Ethyl alcohol (ethanol)
Alohals are hydroxy derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, when unqualified, 'alcohal refers to ethyl alcohol or ethanol.
Pharmacology of alcohol is imporatant for it's presence in beverages( which have been used since recored historyand alcohol intoxification, rather then as a drugs).
Alcohal is manufactured by formation of suger:
C6 H12O6 ----------->2CO2 + 2C2H5OH
Fermentation proceds till alcohal content reaches 15%, then inhibited by alcohal itself.
Alcohalic Beverages :
1. Malted liquors: By fermentation of germinating cereals; are undistiled-alcohal content is low
about 3-6% eg. Beers.
2. Wines : By fermentation of natural suger as presence in grapes and other fruits. these are also
Light wines- alcohal content is 9-12%, and can not exceed 15%.
Fortified wines- alcohal content is16-22%, distilled beverages are added from outside.
Effervescent Wine- champagne (12-16)% alcohal, ;bottled before fermentation is completed.
3. Sprits : These are distilled after fermentation; alcohal content is 40-50 % . eg. Rum, Gin,
Vodka, Brandy etc.
Other forms of alcohal
1. Absolute alcohal 99 % w/w ethanol ( dehydrated alcohal).
2. Rectified sprits 90% w/w ethyl alcohal, from mollases by distillation.
Machanism of action of alcohal
Alcohal has been belived to produce CNS depression by generalized membrane action by altering the state of membrane lipids.
Alcohal promotes GABAA receptor mediated synaptic inhibition ( through chloride channel opening) as well as inhibits NMDA type of excitatory amino acid receptor ( opening throuhg cation chennel).
Pharmacokinetics of alcohal
Rate of alcohal absorption from stomach is dependent on it's concentration, presence of food and other factors. Absorption from intestine is very fast. Alcohal gets distributed widely in the body (vol. of distribution 0.7 L/kg), crosses blood brain barrier efficiently.
Alcohal is oxidized in liver to the extent of 98 %.
Aspirin( NSAIDs) causes more gastric bleeding when taken with alcohal. Alcoholics are more prone to paracetamol toxicity due to enhanced generating of it's toxic metabolites.
Alcohal consumption should be avoided by
- Peptic ulcer :- Alcohal increses gastric secretion
- Epileptic :- Seizure may be precipitated
- Severe liver diseases patients.
- Pregnant Women
Side effects- Neusea, vomoting,hangover,traffic accident.
Acute alcoholic intoxication:- Hypotension,gastritis, hypogycaemia, depression,
coma, and death.
Guidelines for safe drinking
- On an average 1- 2 drinks per day is usually safe.
- Not more than 3 drinks an any occasion.
- Consumption of greater than 3 drinks per day is associated with documented
adverse health effects.
- Do not drinks if an interacting drugs has been taken.
- Subjects with any contraindication should not drinks.
- Safe limits are somewhat lower for women then men.
Note: 1 drinks = 50 ml of sprits= 150 ml of Wine = 400 ml of Beer , all roughly 20g alcohal.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Today it becomes more and more normal to hear such a grave notion as "depression". For many people this word becomes a common way of their inner state expression, although not everybody wonders what namely this term means.
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a mental disorder characterized by an all-encompassing low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. Depression is caused by a variety of factors. It can by biological, genetic, physical and emotional. Stress & negative influences also contribute to depression.
Types of Depression
1. Major Depression - Major depression is a problem with mood in which there are severe and long lasting feelings of sadness or related symptoms that get in the way of a person's functioning. It is a severe form of mental illness that has more or less the same symptoms as any other state of depression.
2. Chronic Depression ( Dysthymia) – Chronic depression is less severe but more long lasting depression as compare to major depression. Chronic depression or Dysthymia, is characterized by long term depress mood.
3. Bipolar Depression or Manic Depression – These kinds of depression includes periods of mania and depression. People diagnosed with manic depression tend to experience mood swings from periods of severe depression to periods of elation known as mania. Most people experience ups and downs in daily life, but with manic depression the changes between highs and lows are extreme.
4. Seasonal Depression - Seasonal depression, often called seasonal affective disorder or SAD, is a depression that occurs each year at the same time. Seasonal depression is a type of depressive disorder which characterized by episodes of major depression & it reoccur at a specific time of the year.
Other types of depressive categories are psychotic depression, anxiety depression, grief depression, chronic pain depression etc.
Causes of Depression
There are a number of factors that may increase the chance of depression, including the following:
• Genetic - A family history of depression may increase the risk. It's thought that depression is passed genetically from one generation to the next. The exact way this happens, though, is not known.
• Abuse - Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can cause depression later in life.
• Certain medications - For example, some drugs used to treat high blood pressure, such as beta- blockers or reserpine, can increase your risk of depression.
• Serious illnesses - Sometimes depression diagnosed with a chronic or life-threatening illness, such as coronary heart disease or cancer.
• Major events - Even good events such as starting a new job, graduating, or getting married can lead to depression. So can moving, losing a job or income, getting divorced, or retiring. Sadness or grief from the death or loss of a loved one, though natural, can also increase the risk of depression.
• Certain medications- For example, some drugs used to treat high blood pressure, such as beta-blockers or reserpine, can increase your risk of depression.
Health risks associated with Depression
There are a lot of mental depression side effects that these people have to deal with Depression interferes with both your personal and professional life by making it harder to deal with normal events. You may experience insomnia or wanting to sleep all the time, feel tired, lonely and worn out all the time. Crying, being irritable and having a restless feeling are also mental depression side effects that you need to be aware of.
Prescription medications for depression
Prozac is a popular antidepressant medication which is widely use in the treatment of mental health problems. Doctors mainly prescribe Prozac to treat depression i.e. a continuing depression which interferes with the routine functioning of an individual. Prozac is also prescribed to treat panic disorders which include panic associated with agoraphobia a severe fear of being in crowds or public places and in the treatment of bulimia binge-eating followed by deliberate vomiting.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
As the saying goes, anything that can go wrong, will. Just ask Novartis. Novartis has encountered virtually every problem that has plagued the industry, such as drug failures in clinical testing and delays in the approval of products.
CNN Money had it right when they said, “Novartis and its investors had grown used to seeing above-average growth in recent years. The Basel-based company appeared to have few major growth drivers in its portfolio that faced patent expiration. It also boasted a rich pipeline of products that promised to replace sales lost on the few products that were coming to the end of market exclusivity.”
But things have happened far from what Novartis planned out. The delays have allowed other competitors to get ahead of Novartis. Their new experimental diabetes medication Galvus is likely to hit the market three years later than planned.
According to CNN Money, “In March, Novartis was forced to suspend sales in the U.S. of another growth driver, the bowel drug Zelnorm. Then it lost a court battle with TEVA Pharmaceuticals (TEVA), which is challenging the patent of heart drug Lotrel, and was given permission to go ahead selling it in the U.S., although patent litigation is still ongoing. Then two companies that are developing drugs jointly with Novartis said that their products, a cancer and a hepatitis C drug, failed in clinical trials.”
To top it all off, last Tuesday Novartis announced that the FDA needs more time to review cancer drug Tasigna which is supposed to take the place of their current number 2 selling cancer drug Gleevec. This is all coupled with their currently dwindling pipelines.
CNN Money had it right when they said, “Novartis and its investors had grown used to seeing above-average growth in recent years. The Basel-based company appeared to have few major growth drivers in its portfolio that faced patent expiration. It also boasted a rich pipeline of products that promised to replace sales lost on the few products that were coming to the end of market exclusivity.”
But things have happened far from what Novartis planned out. The delays have allowed other competitors to get ahead of Novartis. Their new experimental diabetes medication Galvus is likely to hit the market three years later than planned.
According to CNN Money, “In March, Novartis was forced to suspend sales in the U.S. of another growth driver, the bowel drug Zelnorm. Then it lost a court battle with TEVA Pharmaceuticals (TEVA), which is challenging the patent of heart drug Lotrel, and was given permission to go ahead selling it in the U.S., although patent litigation is still ongoing. Then two companies that are developing drugs jointly with Novartis said that their products, a cancer and a hepatitis C drug, failed in clinical trials.”
To top it all off, last Tuesday Novartis announced that the FDA needs more time to review cancer drug Tasigna which is supposed to take the place of their current number 2 selling cancer drug Gleevec. This is all coupled with their currently dwindling pipelines.
An increasing number of men are dissatisfied with their sex drive, with many suffering from erectile dysfunction ( E.D.), low libido and impotence. Many factors contribute to this decline in male potency, including overwork, stress, lack of sleep, and estrogens in the environment, among others.
Many of these men are turning to the natural herb alternatives to Viagra, Cialis and Levitra being touted on the Internet, tv infomercials, radio, or in print ads. Most, if not all these men's herbal supplements are overpriced and many contain yohimbe, an herb known to raise blood pressure.
Such products may also be weak, and a waste of the consumer's money. Though there are some that may work, they usually have short term results, not building libido for boosting desire, hot passion, stamina and performance in the long run.
Instead of the dissapointing fare of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra alternative pills, the male consumer needs libido enhancer herb supplements that are less likely to cause the unwanted side effects, and that also build libido to address the underlying causes.
Enter safe and effective aphrodisiac herbs to rescue the male mojo. Aphrodisiacs have been around for thousands of years, being mentioned in in the ancient Ayurvedic texts of India, the Bible, and in Chinese medicine - to name a few.
Indian Ayurvedic medicine looks at aphrodisiacs as "increasing ojas", the sexual essence. Various Indian sexual pills therfore use spices and exotic herbs like cloves, nutmeg, saffron and ashwagandha.
Chinese have a saying... ..."weak kidney, weak sex." In their system of herbal medicine they use terms like "yin" and "yang". Most Chinese sexual tonics aim at increasing yang, although yin is important as a foundation for deep rejuvenation of exhausted kidneys.
Think of yin as cool, yang as warm. Since yin also needed as a deep foundation, many formulas use both yin and yang herbs in them. The popular "horny goat weed" is yang for example, while licorice is yin.
The overall idea is to increase what the Chinese call "jing" or "ching", which is the sexual essence that is similar to the "ojas" of Indian medicine. Increasing kidney energy (jing) and also "chi", or overall "life force", boosts sex drive.
There are herbs in other cultures like maca from Peru, damiana from Mexico, and tongkat ali from Malaysia. These are single herbs, not an herbal blend as used in Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine. And they work more on testosterone and nerves , instead of kidneys.
Androgens like testosterone are naturally occuring in small amounts in some Chinese animal preparations. Some herbs increase the bodies own production of testosterone from the leydig cells of the testicles, which also contributes to robust sexual drive.
There are alternatives to the many overpriced, hyped, men's sex boosters with glitzy packaging. The male consumer has the luxury of reasonably priced, safe, time tested and effective products of ancient cultures.
Many of these men are turning to the natural herb alternatives to Viagra, Cialis and Levitra being touted on the Internet, tv infomercials, radio, or in print ads. Most, if not all these men's herbal supplements are overpriced and many contain yohimbe, an herb known to raise blood pressure.
Such products may also be weak, and a waste of the consumer's money. Though there are some that may work, they usually have short term results, not building libido for boosting desire, hot passion, stamina and performance in the long run.
Instead of the dissapointing fare of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra alternative pills, the male consumer needs libido enhancer herb supplements that are less likely to cause the unwanted side effects, and that also build libido to address the underlying causes.
Enter safe and effective aphrodisiac herbs to rescue the male mojo. Aphrodisiacs have been around for thousands of years, being mentioned in in the ancient Ayurvedic texts of India, the Bible, and in Chinese medicine - to name a few.
Indian Ayurvedic medicine looks at aphrodisiacs as "increasing ojas", the sexual essence. Various Indian sexual pills therfore use spices and exotic herbs like cloves, nutmeg, saffron and ashwagandha.
Chinese have a saying... ..."weak kidney, weak sex." In their system of herbal medicine they use terms like "yin" and "yang". Most Chinese sexual tonics aim at increasing yang, although yin is important as a foundation for deep rejuvenation of exhausted kidneys.
Think of yin as cool, yang as warm. Since yin also needed as a deep foundation, many formulas use both yin and yang herbs in them. The popular "horny goat weed" is yang for example, while licorice is yin.
The overall idea is to increase what the Chinese call "jing" or "ching", which is the sexual essence that is similar to the "ojas" of Indian medicine. Increasing kidney energy (jing) and also "chi", or overall "life force", boosts sex drive.
There are herbs in other cultures like maca from Peru, damiana from Mexico, and tongkat ali from Malaysia. These are single herbs, not an herbal blend as used in Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine. And they work more on testosterone and nerves , instead of kidneys.
Androgens like testosterone are naturally occuring in small amounts in some Chinese animal preparations. Some herbs increase the bodies own production of testosterone from the leydig cells of the testicles, which also contributes to robust sexual drive.
There are alternatives to the many overpriced, hyped, men's sex boosters with glitzy packaging. The male consumer has the luxury of reasonably priced, safe, time tested and effective products of ancient cultures.
Anesthesia Assistant
An anesthesia assistant is a specialty physician’s assistant who works under the direction of a licensed anesthesiologist. The anesthesia assistant aids the anesthesiologist in developing and implementing the anesthesia care plan for his or her patients.
These jobs are wonderful opportunities for people who want to work in the medical profession or for people with a bachelor’s degree looking for a change of career to something more satisfying.
Educational Requirements for an Anesthesia Assistant
Clinical studies are combined with classroom courses and lab work for many Anesthesia Assistant programs. Depending on where you take your courses and the nature of the program, specific courses can include medical terminology, anatomy, and pulmonary physiology. It is important to assure before enrolling that the program that you’re interested in is properly accredited and will provide the education for which you are looking.
The career of pharmacist is to dispense the prescriptions that healthcare providers have prescribed to their patients. They must also tell the patients relevant information about the drugs and help them to understand the instructions that their doctor has given them regarding them.
Someone who is people oriented and interested in working in the medical field without years of education would be a good fit for the job of pharmacist. Additionally, it helps to excel in math and the physical sciences, especially chemistry.
Educational Requirements for a Pharmacist
Many schools across the nation offer variations of pharmacy programs. It is important to consider your options and weigh them properly because not all programs are created equal. For example, there are accelerated programs which enable students to complete the program in as little as three years. Additionally, you would optimally like to enroll in a program which has teaching facilities that give students a chance to learn and work with industry-standard equipment.
Price is another consideration when comparing programs, because pharmacy tuition can vary greatly depending on the school and the program.
After receiving a Doctor in Pharmacy degree, state licensing exams are required before the pharmacist can practice.
An anesthesia assistant is a specialty physician’s assistant who works under the direction of a licensed anesthesiologist. The anesthesia assistant aids the anesthesiologist in developing and implementing the anesthesia care plan for his or her patients.
These jobs are wonderful opportunities for people who want to work in the medical profession or for people with a bachelor’s degree looking for a change of career to something more satisfying.
Educational Requirements for an Anesthesia Assistant
Clinical studies are combined with classroom courses and lab work for many Anesthesia Assistant programs. Depending on where you take your courses and the nature of the program, specific courses can include medical terminology, anatomy, and pulmonary physiology. It is important to assure before enrolling that the program that you’re interested in is properly accredited and will provide the education for which you are looking.
The career of pharmacist is to dispense the prescriptions that healthcare providers have prescribed to their patients. They must also tell the patients relevant information about the drugs and help them to understand the instructions that their doctor has given them regarding them.
Someone who is people oriented and interested in working in the medical field without years of education would be a good fit for the job of pharmacist. Additionally, it helps to excel in math and the physical sciences, especially chemistry.
Educational Requirements for a Pharmacist
Many schools across the nation offer variations of pharmacy programs. It is important to consider your options and weigh them properly because not all programs are created equal. For example, there are accelerated programs which enable students to complete the program in as little as three years. Additionally, you would optimally like to enroll in a program which has teaching facilities that give students a chance to learn and work with industry-standard equipment.
Price is another consideration when comparing programs, because pharmacy tuition can vary greatly depending on the school and the program.
After receiving a Doctor in Pharmacy degree, state licensing exams are required before the pharmacist can practice.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
There is an increasing body of thought that suggest that the use of illegal drugs can be linked to anxiety attacks and panic attacks. Drugs and anxiety are linked for many good reasons, and when we look at what illegal substances like amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis can do to the mind, it seems these worries are not without cause.
Recent studies into drugs and anxiety have suggested that heavy cocaine use is a factor that can induce panic disorder-like symptoms in people. Most often, this will be noticed when someone is suffering withdrawal from that drug use. Another drugs and anxiety link is ecstasy, which can cause people to panic when they have taken large doses of the drug. The experiences that people feel when they take ecstasy are not always the same, to a large part it is directed by the mood of the person taking it. If someone is feeling depressed or angry about something, instead of making them happy, ecstasy could have the opposite effect and make them panicked, fearful and apprehensive. On top of that, when you buy an ecstasy tablet, you are never sure what you are buying. Ecstasy is one of the most unpredictable illegal substances available, and could contain all sorts of other substances, including LSD or ketamine, both of which are bad news for anyone suffering from obsessive or anxious problems. While there have been reports of ecstasy helping people with their obsessive problems, such as addictions to other drugs, there are far too many associated risks with this drug. It may only take one dose of ecstasy drugs and anxiety attacks will result.
While on the topic of drugs and anxiety and obsessive problems, there are suggestions that the use of amphetamine and cocaine drugs and anxiety attacks are linked. This is especially risky for people who suffer from repetitive and depressive thoughts. The come down, or withdrawal symptoms from amphetamine in particular, are known to cause severe depression and anxiety in people, while tests seem to point at excessive use causing possible neuron damage in the brain. Amphetamines is also known to cause paranoia and hallucinations, both of which are linked to panic attacks.
Cannabis is also another drug to be wary of for anyone battling against panic attacks or anxiety. While many people like to claim how safe cannabis is compared to other, harder drugs, there is a lot of evidence suggesting that it can actually worsen the condition of anyone who has an existing or latent mental disorder. Some scientists have claimed that cannabis is able to cause spontaneous panic attacks, yet this viewpoint has been challenged by many. One thing that is worrying about cannabis though, is it does seem to cause a lot of paranoia and anxiety in a large percentage of people who have tried it, and anyone who sufferers from anxious problems is sure to be susceptible to this feeling as well. While the medical evidence regarding drugs and anxiety might be inconclusive, it would seems that avoidance of such illegal substances is surely a necessary step for anyone who suffers anxious problems.
Recent studies into drugs and anxiety have suggested that heavy cocaine use is a factor that can induce panic disorder-like symptoms in people. Most often, this will be noticed when someone is suffering withdrawal from that drug use. Another drugs and anxiety link is ecstasy, which can cause people to panic when they have taken large doses of the drug. The experiences that people feel when they take ecstasy are not always the same, to a large part it is directed by the mood of the person taking it. If someone is feeling depressed or angry about something, instead of making them happy, ecstasy could have the opposite effect and make them panicked, fearful and apprehensive. On top of that, when you buy an ecstasy tablet, you are never sure what you are buying. Ecstasy is one of the most unpredictable illegal substances available, and could contain all sorts of other substances, including LSD or ketamine, both of which are bad news for anyone suffering from obsessive or anxious problems. While there have been reports of ecstasy helping people with their obsessive problems, such as addictions to other drugs, there are far too many associated risks with this drug. It may only take one dose of ecstasy drugs and anxiety attacks will result.
While on the topic of drugs and anxiety and obsessive problems, there are suggestions that the use of amphetamine and cocaine drugs and anxiety attacks are linked. This is especially risky for people who suffer from repetitive and depressive thoughts. The come down, or withdrawal symptoms from amphetamine in particular, are known to cause severe depression and anxiety in people, while tests seem to point at excessive use causing possible neuron damage in the brain. Amphetamines is also known to cause paranoia and hallucinations, both of which are linked to panic attacks.
Cannabis is also another drug to be wary of for anyone battling against panic attacks or anxiety. While many people like to claim how safe cannabis is compared to other, harder drugs, there is a lot of evidence suggesting that it can actually worsen the condition of anyone who has an existing or latent mental disorder. Some scientists have claimed that cannabis is able to cause spontaneous panic attacks, yet this viewpoint has been challenged by many. One thing that is worrying about cannabis though, is it does seem to cause a lot of paranoia and anxiety in a large percentage of people who have tried it, and anyone who sufferers from anxious problems is sure to be susceptible to this feeling as well. While the medical evidence regarding drugs and anxiety might be inconclusive, it would seems that avoidance of such illegal substances is surely a necessary step for anyone who suffers anxious problems.
Metformin is a drug that is typically prescribed to women with PCOS that are suffering from a diabetes-like insulin resistance. It is also prescribed to women with PCOS trying to conceive.
Metformin appears to work in three ways. First, it decreases the absorption of dietary carbohydrates through the intestines.
Second, it reduces the production of glucose by the liver.(2) The liver uses the raw material in your food to create a reserve supply of blood sugar. When your body experiences stress, the liver releases the reserve glucose to supply your brain and muscles with an immediate source of energy to cope with the stress. Glucophage suppresses the production of this reserve fuel.
Third, and perhaps most importantly, metformin increases the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin.(2) Insulin is the hormone that delivers glucose into your cells to be burned as fuel, or stored. Women with PCOS frequently have "insulin resistance", a condition where excessive amounts of insulin are required in order to get blood glucose moved into cells, where it belongs. Glucophage helps your body to transport glucose with relatively less insulin, thus lowering your insulin levels. Chronically high levels of either glucose or insulin in your blood contributes to obesity, heart disease, infertility, and certain cancers, as well as the development of diabetes.
Side Effects from Metformin are as follows:
MALAISE. 10%- 25% of women who take Glucophage just don't feel well. They experience a general malaise, fatigue and occasional achiness that lasts for varying lengths of time. Malaise a signal for the physician to closely monitor body systems affected by metformin, including liver, kidneys, and GI tract. A blood count should be taken from time to time, because metformin can induce B vitamin insufficiencies that can lead to a form of anemia.
GI DISTURBANCE. About one third of women on metformin experience gastrointestinal disturbances, including nausea, occasional vomiting and loose, more frequent bowel movements, or diarrhea. This problem occurs more often after meals rich in fats or sugars. The symptoms lessen over time, so if you can tolerate the GI upset for a few weeks, it may go away. Some women have found it helps to start with a very low dose and gradually increase it.
VITAMIN B12 MALABSORPTION. Of patients who take this drug, 10%-30% show evidence of reduced vitamin B12 absorption. A substance formed in the stomach called "intrinsic factor" combines with B12 so that it can be transferred into the blood. Metformin interferes with the ability of your cells to absorb this intrinsic factor-vitamin B12 complex.(12)
Over the long term, vitamin B12 insufficiency is a significant health risk. B12 is essential to the proper growth and function of every cell in your body. It's required for synthesis of DNA and for many crucial biochemical functions. There is also a link between B12 insufficiency and cardiovascular disease.
At least one study raises the concern that even if metformin is withdrawn, the vitamin B12 malabsorption may continue in some people.(13) The apparent cause is continued problems with availability of intrinsic factor, which is required for B12 absorption.
ELEVATED HOMOCYSTEINE. People who take Glucophage tend to have higher homocysteine levels.(14) Women with PCOS also tend to have elevated homocysteine.(15)
Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood. A normal amount is OK. But an elevated level means that your metabolic processes are not working properly. Elevated homocysteine is associated with coronary artery disease, heart attack, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia,(16) cognitive impairment.(17), and cervical cancer. (18)
Vitamin B12, along with vitamin B6 and folic acid (another B vitamin), is responsible for metabolizing homocysteine into less potentially harmful substances (19). Therefore, when metformin reduces absorption of vitamin B12, you lose one of the nutrients needed to reduce homocysteine and thus reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
ELEVATED HOMOCYSTEINE & PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS. Pre-eclampsia is a complication of pregnancy characterized by increasing blood pressure and edema. If left untreated, pre-ecampsia can lead to eclampsia, a serious condition that puts you and your baby at risk. In a study conducted at the Center for Perinatal Studies at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, a second trimester elevation of homocysteine was associated with a 3.2 fold increased risk of pre-eclampsia.(20)
The Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, reviewed a series of studies on the linkage between elevated homocysteine and early pregnancy loss. They concluded that high homocysteine levels are a risk factor for recurrent early pregnancy loss.(21)
Ovarian follicular fluid contains detectable amounts of homocysteine along with B12, B6, and folic acid. The follicular fluid provides nourishment to the egg by facilitating transport of nutrients from blood plasma. High levels of homocysteine as well as an insufficiency of B vitamins may adversely influence the process of fertilization and early fetal development.(22)
NOTE: We are suggesting that elevated homocysteine, not metformin itself, could contribute to pregnancy complications in some women. However, metformin does contribute to increased homocysteine levels.
PREGNANCY WARNING. Many women use metformin in their pursuit of a successful pregnancy. However, Glucophage is a category B drug, meaning its safety for use while pregnant has not been established. It is found in breast milk so it's not advisable to breast feed while taking Glucophage.
ANEMIA. By preventing optimal absorption of vitamins B12 and folic acid, metformin could induce or contribute to megaloblastic anemia.(23) Megaloblastic anemia occurs when your bone marrow doesn't have enough B vitamins to manufacture red blood cells. Your bone marrow then releases immature and dysfunctional red blood cells into circulation.
Although anemia is not common among people taking metformin, it remains a risk for those whose B12 and folic acid levels were already low when metformin therapy was started.
LIVER OR KIDNEY PROBLEMS. If you have liver or kidney problems of any kind, metformin could pose a problem, because it alters liver function and is excreted through the kidneys. A healthy liver and kidneys will improve your outcome with metformin. Liver and kidney function should be assessed before starting metformin and rechecked at least once a year while taking it. A blood chemistry screen and a complete blood count will tell your physician how well your system is doing with this drug.
MULTIPLE MEDICATIONS. You may be at risk for health problems or symptoms if you take metformin in addition to other medications. The more drugs you take, and the higher the dosage, the greater the probability there will be some kind of interaction between the drugs or some unexpected effect from the combined drugs. The effect of combined drugs also depends on the state of your health, your genetic uniqueness, and your diet and lifestyle. Always consult with your doctor if you add or change any medication, or if you develop any symptoms.
HAIR LOSS. Metformin may contribute to male pattern hair loss at the temples and top of head. Although there's nothing in the medical literature to support this linkage, some women have reported that hair loss was made worse by metformin.(24)
LACTIC ACIDOSIS. About 3 of every 100,000 people who take metformin will develop a medical emergency called "lactic acidosis". Lactic acid is a metabolic byproduct that can become toxic if it builds up faster than it is neutralized. Lactic acidosis is most likely to occur in people who with diabetes, kidney or liver disease, multiple medications, dehydration, or severe chronic stress.
Lactic acidosis can gradually build up. Symptoms to watch for include a need to breathe deeply and more rapidly, a slow, irregular pulse, a feeling of weakness, muscle pain, sleepiness, and a sense of feeling very sick. Treatment requires intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate. Contact your doctor or go immediately to a hospital emergency room if you have these symptoms.
BILE ABNORMALITIES. Bile is produced by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and secreted into the intestines in order to absorb fats into the bloodstream. One possible reason for the GI problems is that metformin reduces normal reabsorption of bile from the intestines back into the bloodstream, which causes elevated bile salt concentrations in the colon.(25) Most studies suggest that colonic bile salts cause free radical damage to DNA and may contribute to colon cancer.(26,27)
In addition, bile acids may stimulate cells in the colon to produce leukotriene B4 (LTB4), a highly inflammatory substance. LTB4 would be a contributor to any intestinal inflammatory condition.(28) Byproducts of bacterial action on bile salts may lead to intestinal cell damage and absorption of "foreign" molecules such as food or bacteria particles into the bloodstream, possibly causing allergies and other immune responses.(29)
Moreover, many PCOS women have switched to a high-protein diet. If that protein consists of beef and other meats, bile acid concentration in the intestines is increased.(30) A diet high in meats is also linked to a higher risk of colon cancer.
These horrendous symptoms can all be avoided by skipping the meds and adhering to a healthy diet and exercise regimen, which will give you all the benefits of a medicine, but without the nasty side effects.
Medical Doctors make 4 mistakes when it comes to treating patients with high blood pressure. For that matter, whether it's a cardiovascular problem like high blood pressure or any disease related illness, these 4 mistakes always persist.
The 4 Mistakes That Orthodox Medical Doctors Make
1. The symptoms are the cause of illness. No! Symptoms are only the manifestations of the root cause: Symptoms are knock on effects or warning signs...
2. They pay no real attention to diet and exercise.
3. They practically ignore the mind/spirit connection and its influences on health.
4. Very little or no consideration is given to water and its pharmacological role.
How does the above fit into the orthodox medical approach when it comes to treating high blood pressure? What are the alternative naturopathic solutions and how well do they work? These are very important questions, since the Journal of the American Medical Association (Oct. 2002; 288: 1882-1888) reported that middle-aged or older people in the USA have a 90% chance of developing high blood pressure.
The 4 Mistakes That Orthodox Medical Doctors Make
1. The symptoms are the cause of illness. No! Symptoms are only the manifestations of the root cause: Symptoms are knock on effects or warning signs...
2. They pay no real attention to diet and exercise.
3. They practically ignore the mind/spirit connection and its influences on health.
4. Very little or no consideration is given to water and its pharmacological role.
How does the above fit into the orthodox medical approach when it comes to treating high blood pressure? What are the alternative naturopathic solutions and how well do they work? These are very important questions, since the Journal of the American Medical Association (Oct. 2002; 288: 1882-1888) reported that middle-aged or older people in the USA have a 90% chance of developing high blood pressure.
First, lets consider how it could be for someone suffering from high blood pressure. He/she may be overweight or feeling worn out and sluggish, dehydrated, or not breathing well... So the doctor prescribes the pills: Lotensin, Mevacor, Cardizem, Procardia...etc, any of these to normalize the blood pressure. As time goes by, months then years, side effects manifest as a consequence of the pills. -How? Well, without going into a long-winded harangue it basically goes like this:
Remember the above 4 mistakes. Because pills only treat the symptoms, the underlying root-cause is ignored and yes, it still persists. Due to a history of bad diet or a lack of exercise or stress, the inner walls of the patient's arteries are lined with plaque. This results in a narrowing of the arteries. What does orthodox medicine do? Instead of getting to the root-cause by permanently unblocking the arteries, the blood pressure lowering drugs reduce the activity of the heart so that the blood pressure gage reads normal.
-What are the consequences of this quick fix? Remember, the heart is now less active, and because the walls of the arteries are narrow and the blood pressure is normalized, like any tube supplying liquid with a smaller lumen (the space inside), the outflow is restricted. This means that the blood supply from the heart to the target organs in the body is restricted. Because the oxygen demands from the target organs are not met due to this lack of blood supply, a whole range of illnesses can result. On the long-term this could include: a weaker heart, degeneration of other organ tissue and lung congestion, which ultimately could result in death.
Other reported side effects due to the above blood pressure lowering drugs include headaches, dizzy spells, queasiness, cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), low blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, mood swings, depression, memory loss and changes in personality...
Another orthodox medical approach is angioplasty, where an operation is performed to unblock the arteries and allow blood to flow more freely again. However, because it is only a quick fix, treating the symptom, in many cases re-occlusion (narrowing of the arteries through plaque returning) occurs. Surgeons Oh Those Heralded Heroes! No doubt there was a time in your life when you were told stories about surgeons and how great they were with their life-saving operations... Here's the truth about heart bypass surgery. The overall survival rate for patients post-operation is no different than those who chose to do nothing at all! (New England Journal of Medicine May 22, 1997 and American of Journal Cardiology June 1998). Notice I took the trouble to reference 2 studies. There are many others that document the same findings. Other studies show that there is a 13% chance that these patients will die on the operating table (Dr Tim O'Shea 2007). Well, what do you expect? If you only treat the symptoms with temporary house-cleaning methods the problem, plaque growth on the inner walls of the arteries, will return. And as for those with coronary bypass surgery, an unblocking of the arteries that supply the heart with blood, what about all the other arteries in their body? Why should they be any different? Guess what condition these arteries will be in? What Are The Alternatives? The first thing to realize is that in order for a patient to be cured, the root-cause of the high blood pressure needs to be addressed. The root-cause can be addressed effectively by lowering high blood pressure through natural approaches. -This is definitely in line with effectively correcting the above 4 mistakes that doctors make. Find out about these natural solutions that get to the root-cause and very effectively lower high blood pressure in my follow up article 'Lowering High Blood Pressure The Natural Way.' -If you suffer from high blood pressure this information might just save your life!
The 4 Mistakes That Orthodox Medical Doctors Make
1. The symptoms are the cause of illness. No! Symptoms are only the manifestations of the root cause: Symptoms are knock on effects or warning signs...
2. They pay no real attention to diet and exercise.
3. They practically ignore the mind/spirit connection and its influences on health.
4. Very little or no consideration is given to water and its pharmacological role.
How does the above fit into the orthodox medical approach when it comes to treating high blood pressure? What are the alternative naturopathic solutions and how well do they work? These are very important questions, since the Journal of the American Medical Association (Oct. 2002; 288: 1882-1888) reported that middle-aged or older people in the USA have a 90% chance of developing high blood pressure.
The 4 Mistakes That Orthodox Medical Doctors Make
1. The symptoms are the cause of illness. No! Symptoms are only the manifestations of the root cause: Symptoms are knock on effects or warning signs...
2. They pay no real attention to diet and exercise.
3. They practically ignore the mind/spirit connection and its influences on health.
4. Very little or no consideration is given to water and its pharmacological role.
How does the above fit into the orthodox medical approach when it comes to treating high blood pressure? What are the alternative naturopathic solutions and how well do they work? These are very important questions, since the Journal of the American Medical Association (Oct. 2002; 288: 1882-1888) reported that middle-aged or older people in the USA have a 90% chance of developing high blood pressure.
First, lets consider how it could be for someone suffering from high blood pressure. He/she may be overweight or feeling worn out and sluggish, dehydrated, or not breathing well... So the doctor prescribes the pills: Lotensin, Mevacor, Cardizem, Procardia...etc, any of these to normalize the blood pressure. As time goes by, months then years, side effects manifest as a consequence of the pills. -How? Well, without going into a long-winded harangue it basically goes like this:
Remember the above 4 mistakes. Because pills only treat the symptoms, the underlying root-cause is ignored and yes, it still persists. Due to a history of bad diet or a lack of exercise or stress, the inner walls of the patient's arteries are lined with plaque. This results in a narrowing of the arteries. What does orthodox medicine do? Instead of getting to the root-cause by permanently unblocking the arteries, the blood pressure lowering drugs reduce the activity of the heart so that the blood pressure gage reads normal.
-What are the consequences of this quick fix? Remember, the heart is now less active, and because the walls of the arteries are narrow and the blood pressure is normalized, like any tube supplying liquid with a smaller lumen (the space inside), the outflow is restricted. This means that the blood supply from the heart to the target organs in the body is restricted. Because the oxygen demands from the target organs are not met due to this lack of blood supply, a whole range of illnesses can result. On the long-term this could include: a weaker heart, degeneration of other organ tissue and lung congestion, which ultimately could result in death.
Other reported side effects due to the above blood pressure lowering drugs include headaches, dizzy spells, queasiness, cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), low blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, mood swings, depression, memory loss and changes in personality...
Another orthodox medical approach is angioplasty, where an operation is performed to unblock the arteries and allow blood to flow more freely again. However, because it is only a quick fix, treating the symptom, in many cases re-occlusion (narrowing of the arteries through plaque returning) occurs. Surgeons Oh Those Heralded Heroes! No doubt there was a time in your life when you were told stories about surgeons and how great they were with their life-saving operations... Here's the truth about heart bypass surgery. The overall survival rate for patients post-operation is no different than those who chose to do nothing at all! (New England Journal of Medicine May 22, 1997 and American of Journal Cardiology June 1998). Notice I took the trouble to reference 2 studies. There are many others that document the same findings. Other studies show that there is a 13% chance that these patients will die on the operating table (Dr Tim O'Shea 2007). Well, what do you expect? If you only treat the symptoms with temporary house-cleaning methods the problem, plaque growth on the inner walls of the arteries, will return. And as for those with coronary bypass surgery, an unblocking of the arteries that supply the heart with blood, what about all the other arteries in their body? Why should they be any different? Guess what condition these arteries will be in? What Are The Alternatives? The first thing to realize is that in order for a patient to be cured, the root-cause of the high blood pressure needs to be addressed. The root-cause can be addressed effectively by lowering high blood pressure through natural approaches. -This is definitely in line with effectively correcting the above 4 mistakes that doctors make. Find out about these natural solutions that get to the root-cause and very effectively lower high blood pressure in my follow up article 'Lowering High Blood Pressure The Natural Way.' -If you suffer from high blood pressure this information might just save your life!
Diosmin For Circulation & Vein Benefits
Believe it or not, there is a natural ingredient from Europe that can help change the way your legs feel and the way you feel about the circulation in your legs. Whether we realize it or not, the circulation in our legs can have a huge influence on how we feel and what we do everyday and perhaps even more so every evening. The comfort level of our legs, or better said, their discomfort level at the end of the day can adversely affect our social life and fitness activities - not to mention adversely affecting our sleep. If our legs felt better perhaps we would find it easier to do the things we'd love to do, but find it so difficult to muster the motivation. As if the way our legs can feel at the end of day isn't challenging enough, the changes in the circulation in our legs as we age can seem even more hopeless and discouraging. Now add to that the seeming conspiracy among fashion designers to have us exposing even larger portions of our aging legs and we have a problem that over 80 million Americans with varicose veins understand all too well. (1)
Unfortunately, about half of all American women will develop varicose or spider veins at some point in their lives (2). Not only are they unsightly, these leg problems can also cause significant discomfort. Typically, varicose veins are characterized by bulging, blue, sometimes painful and inflamed veins that appear primarily in the calves and thighs. Spider veins, on the other hand, show up as a web of fine lines that can make your legs look like a road map.
While age and heredity play a role in the development of varicose and spider veins, weight gain, pregnancy, menopause and the use of hormone replacement therapy can also trigger these vein problems. Making matters worse, chronic inactivity, standing for long periods of time or habitually crossing your legs can make you more prone to injured veins (2).
Conventional treatments include surgical stripping, injecting the veins with a chemical irritant or zapping them with lasers. While these approaches can remove existing varicose or spider veins, they will not prevent new ones from developing, since these high-tech treatments do not address the underlying problem of poor circulation. Worse yet, these procedures can also cause infection, scarring, nerve damage and pain (26). If these radical treatments are not an option for you, you'll be happy to hear that there is a natural approach that not only improves the appearance of these ropy, bulging veins, it also fosters leg health to prevent future problems.
Veins Explained
To understand how varicose veins develop, you need to know a little bit about how blood moves through the body. Essentially, there are two types of major circulatory vessels in the body: the arteries, which channel blood from the heart to the extremities, and the veins, which bring blood from the extremities back to the heart. Of all the veins in your body, leg veins work the hardest to carry blood back to the heart. To accomplish this difficult task, your legs are equipped with specially designed one-way valves that keep the blood moving in the right direction. As efficiently as these valves work, your legs still fight a constant battle against the natural pull of gravity. If the veins can't move the blood efficiently or the one-way valves that prevent the blood from backwashing fail to close properly, blood collects in the legs. This pooling of blood then stretches the vein, causing swelling and injury to the vein's walls (3).
Depending on the extent of the enlargement, these veins can show up as either spider or varicose veins. Spider veins are broken capillaries and small veins that appear as jagged red, blue or purple lines on the surface of the skin. While they aren't painful, they can be extremely unattractive. Varicose veins, on the other hand, are thick veins that run deeper beneath the skin. They are far larger and much less attractive than spider veins - and they can make your legs feel fatigued, heavy, achy or even itchy. Varicose veins can also cause burning, throbbing, cramping and restlessness.
While these conditions aren't usually dangerous, severe cases can lead to chronic venous insufficiency - a persistent inability of the leg veins to adequately return blood back to the heart (4). Varicose veins are also associated with the development of skin ulcers or a chronic inflammation of a vein - a condition known as phlebitis. Phlebitis is often accompanied by formation of a blood clot, a dangerous situation since the clot can move from the leg vein and travel to the lungs (2).
Get a Leg Up with Diosmin
Your strategy for battling vein problems naturally is twofold: improving circulation and strengthening the vein walls. The first and simplest measure to improve blood flow is to counteract gravity. Standing or sitting all day makes it harder for blood to move up from the legs and back to the heart. But taking a few minutes to rest with your legs higher than your heart each day allows gravity to help return blood to the heart.
Getting in shape can also help relieve varicose and spider veins - and it can even prevent new ones from forming. As we age we lose muscle tone, which adversely affects the health of our legs. Yet adopting a consistent exercise program promotes good circulation and can help to keep our leg muscles, and the blood vessels in our legs, toned. Walking, weight training, low-impact aerobics and swimming strengthen the legs and circulatory system, and help to reduce the throbbing and aching often associated with varicose veins.
What you eat can also ease unsightly veins. A low-fat diet filled with fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and whole grains add key nutrients and fiber to your diet. Eating a fiber-rich diet reduces the chances of constipation which can contribute to varicose veins. Constipation restricts the blood as it returns to the torso through the deep veins in the legs. Straining to have a bowel movement closes off the deep veins in the legs and restricts the flow of blood as it returns to the torso. As the blood backs up, it takes another course through superficial veins, thus the blue streaks in the legs. Eating a fiber-rich diet alleviates and prevents constipation, helping to avoid the damage to the vascular system that can result. In addition to fiber, a diet high in fruits and vegetables also ensures adequate intake of nutrients and phytonutrients, which also help tonify the blood vessels. As a bonus, a healthy diet and exercise program can also jump-start weight loss - an important consideration since carrying too much weight creates extra pressure on your heart and blood vessels, interfering with healthy circulation (2).
To strengthen the veins themselves, take a tip from the Europeans. From Austria to France to Italy, women and their doctors have relied on Diosmin for more than 30 years to treat circulatory problems affecting the legs - and with good reason. Diosmin is a unique bioflavonoid derived from citrus fruits and is closely related to other citrus bioflavonoids such as hesperiden, quercetin, and rutin (5). Clinical trials have shown that Diosmin is highly effective in boosting circulation and strengthening the veins in the legs (5). Not only does this improve existing varicose and spider veins, it can also reduce the likelihood of future problems.
What makes Diosmin so amazing is its power to specifically target the blood vessels in the legs. Diosmin improves both blood vessel elasticity and microcirculation while relieving pain and inflammation by inhibiting pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and thromboxanes (21,24). Because of its direct action on the integrity of vein walls, Diosmin also reduces the amount of fluid that leaks out of them (21,22). Diosmin's protective benefits do not stop there. Because it is a potent anti-oxidant, Diosmin decreases lipid peroxidation and reduces free radical damage that can undermine vein health (23, 27).
In one clinical trial, people who suffered from pain and swelling due to varicose veins experienced significant improvement in their symptoms after taking Diosmin for a few months (6). A review of studies also found that, among more than 5,000 patients with vein disorders, the vast majority not only saw a reduction in their discomfort, they actually saw the swelling in their calves and ankles disappear (7). Across the board, research shows that a daily dose of 500 to 1,000 mg of Diosmin improves the health of leg veins and brings tremendous relief from pain, night cramps and leg heaviness (8,9,10,11). Both short- and long-term use of this highly effective natural ingredient comes without any side effects. It is also so safe that you need not worry about adverse interactions of Diosmin with drugs, foods, lab tests or interactions with diseases or conditions. (5).
Help for Hemorrhoids
Because Diosmin reduces swelling and bolsters vein health, it can also help people suffering with hemorrhoids - those uncomfortable varicose veins that form in the lower rectum and anus. Along with making it painful to sit, hemorrhoids can itch, bleed or protrude - and almost half of all Americans suffer from them by the time they turn 50 (12). Extensive research conclusively shows that Diosmin can safely alleviate the pain, inflammation and bleeding of hemorrhoids (13,14,15). Best of all, it offers quick relief, often working its magic within a week or two (16). Plus, Diosmin reduces the risk of a relapse (17).
Diosmin for Cancer?
While no one questions Diosmin's efficacy for treating varicose and spider veins or hemorrhoids, scientists have begun exploring other ways this potent flavonoid may boost health. Their main focus - cancer prevention - especially oral and skin cancers.
Researchers haven't conclusively identified the cancer-fighting component in Diosmin, but preliminary experiments show that this flavonoid inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells (18). In two studies pitting Diosmin against other flavonoids like rutin, grapeseed extract and red wine, Spanish investigators found that Diosmin was considerably more effective at reducing the number of metastatic melanoma cells (a potentially deadly type of skin cancer cells that spread through the body) than any of the other flavonoids tested (19,20). Other studies have found that Diosmin puts the brakes on the spread of cancer cells in the mouth (25).
Although it could be years before science conclusively proves Diosmin's cancer benefit, this nutrient can't be beat for supporting vein health. Along with taking supplemental Diosmin, there are several simple strategies you can employ to encourage healthy circulation. Eating a high-fiber, anti-oxidant rich diet and getting plenty of exercise can help keep veins in top form. And remember to take a break and put your feet up every now and again.
Unfortunately, about half of all American women will develop varicose or spider veins at some point in their lives (2). Not only are they unsightly, these leg problems can also cause significant discomfort. Typically, varicose veins are characterized by bulging, blue, sometimes painful and inflamed veins that appear primarily in the calves and thighs. Spider veins, on the other hand, show up as a web of fine lines that can make your legs look like a road map.
While age and heredity play a role in the development of varicose and spider veins, weight gain, pregnancy, menopause and the use of hormone replacement therapy can also trigger these vein problems. Making matters worse, chronic inactivity, standing for long periods of time or habitually crossing your legs can make you more prone to injured veins (2).
Conventional treatments include surgical stripping, injecting the veins with a chemical irritant or zapping them with lasers. While these approaches can remove existing varicose or spider veins, they will not prevent new ones from developing, since these high-tech treatments do not address the underlying problem of poor circulation. Worse yet, these procedures can also cause infection, scarring, nerve damage and pain (26). If these radical treatments are not an option for you, you'll be happy to hear that there is a natural approach that not only improves the appearance of these ropy, bulging veins, it also fosters leg health to prevent future problems.
Veins Explained
To understand how varicose veins develop, you need to know a little bit about how blood moves through the body. Essentially, there are two types of major circulatory vessels in the body: the arteries, which channel blood from the heart to the extremities, and the veins, which bring blood from the extremities back to the heart. Of all the veins in your body, leg veins work the hardest to carry blood back to the heart. To accomplish this difficult task, your legs are equipped with specially designed one-way valves that keep the blood moving in the right direction. As efficiently as these valves work, your legs still fight a constant battle against the natural pull of gravity. If the veins can't move the blood efficiently or the one-way valves that prevent the blood from backwashing fail to close properly, blood collects in the legs. This pooling of blood then stretches the vein, causing swelling and injury to the vein's walls (3).
Depending on the extent of the enlargement, these veins can show up as either spider or varicose veins. Spider veins are broken capillaries and small veins that appear as jagged red, blue or purple lines on the surface of the skin. While they aren't painful, they can be extremely unattractive. Varicose veins, on the other hand, are thick veins that run deeper beneath the skin. They are far larger and much less attractive than spider veins - and they can make your legs feel fatigued, heavy, achy or even itchy. Varicose veins can also cause burning, throbbing, cramping and restlessness.
While these conditions aren't usually dangerous, severe cases can lead to chronic venous insufficiency - a persistent inability of the leg veins to adequately return blood back to the heart (4). Varicose veins are also associated with the development of skin ulcers or a chronic inflammation of a vein - a condition known as phlebitis. Phlebitis is often accompanied by formation of a blood clot, a dangerous situation since the clot can move from the leg vein and travel to the lungs (2).
Get a Leg Up with Diosmin
Your strategy for battling vein problems naturally is twofold: improving circulation and strengthening the vein walls. The first and simplest measure to improve blood flow is to counteract gravity. Standing or sitting all day makes it harder for blood to move up from the legs and back to the heart. But taking a few minutes to rest with your legs higher than your heart each day allows gravity to help return blood to the heart.
Getting in shape can also help relieve varicose and spider veins - and it can even prevent new ones from forming. As we age we lose muscle tone, which adversely affects the health of our legs. Yet adopting a consistent exercise program promotes good circulation and can help to keep our leg muscles, and the blood vessels in our legs, toned. Walking, weight training, low-impact aerobics and swimming strengthen the legs and circulatory system, and help to reduce the throbbing and aching often associated with varicose veins.
What you eat can also ease unsightly veins. A low-fat diet filled with fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and whole grains add key nutrients and fiber to your diet. Eating a fiber-rich diet reduces the chances of constipation which can contribute to varicose veins. Constipation restricts the blood as it returns to the torso through the deep veins in the legs. Straining to have a bowel movement closes off the deep veins in the legs and restricts the flow of blood as it returns to the torso. As the blood backs up, it takes another course through superficial veins, thus the blue streaks in the legs. Eating a fiber-rich diet alleviates and prevents constipation, helping to avoid the damage to the vascular system that can result. In addition to fiber, a diet high in fruits and vegetables also ensures adequate intake of nutrients and phytonutrients, which also help tonify the blood vessels. As a bonus, a healthy diet and exercise program can also jump-start weight loss - an important consideration since carrying too much weight creates extra pressure on your heart and blood vessels, interfering with healthy circulation (2).
To strengthen the veins themselves, take a tip from the Europeans. From Austria to France to Italy, women and their doctors have relied on Diosmin for more than 30 years to treat circulatory problems affecting the legs - and with good reason. Diosmin is a unique bioflavonoid derived from citrus fruits and is closely related to other citrus bioflavonoids such as hesperiden, quercetin, and rutin (5). Clinical trials have shown that Diosmin is highly effective in boosting circulation and strengthening the veins in the legs (5). Not only does this improve existing varicose and spider veins, it can also reduce the likelihood of future problems.
What makes Diosmin so amazing is its power to specifically target the blood vessels in the legs. Diosmin improves both blood vessel elasticity and microcirculation while relieving pain and inflammation by inhibiting pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and thromboxanes (21,24). Because of its direct action on the integrity of vein walls, Diosmin also reduces the amount of fluid that leaks out of them (21,22). Diosmin's protective benefits do not stop there. Because it is a potent anti-oxidant, Diosmin decreases lipid peroxidation and reduces free radical damage that can undermine vein health (23, 27).
In one clinical trial, people who suffered from pain and swelling due to varicose veins experienced significant improvement in their symptoms after taking Diosmin for a few months (6). A review of studies also found that, among more than 5,000 patients with vein disorders, the vast majority not only saw a reduction in their discomfort, they actually saw the swelling in their calves and ankles disappear (7). Across the board, research shows that a daily dose of 500 to 1,000 mg of Diosmin improves the health of leg veins and brings tremendous relief from pain, night cramps and leg heaviness (8,9,10,11). Both short- and long-term use of this highly effective natural ingredient comes without any side effects. It is also so safe that you need not worry about adverse interactions of Diosmin with drugs, foods, lab tests or interactions with diseases or conditions. (5).
Help for Hemorrhoids
Because Diosmin reduces swelling and bolsters vein health, it can also help people suffering with hemorrhoids - those uncomfortable varicose veins that form in the lower rectum and anus. Along with making it painful to sit, hemorrhoids can itch, bleed or protrude - and almost half of all Americans suffer from them by the time they turn 50 (12). Extensive research conclusively shows that Diosmin can safely alleviate the pain, inflammation and bleeding of hemorrhoids (13,14,15). Best of all, it offers quick relief, often working its magic within a week or two (16). Plus, Diosmin reduces the risk of a relapse (17).
Diosmin for Cancer?
While no one questions Diosmin's efficacy for treating varicose and spider veins or hemorrhoids, scientists have begun exploring other ways this potent flavonoid may boost health. Their main focus - cancer prevention - especially oral and skin cancers.
Researchers haven't conclusively identified the cancer-fighting component in Diosmin, but preliminary experiments show that this flavonoid inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells (18). In two studies pitting Diosmin against other flavonoids like rutin, grapeseed extract and red wine, Spanish investigators found that Diosmin was considerably more effective at reducing the number of metastatic melanoma cells (a potentially deadly type of skin cancer cells that spread through the body) than any of the other flavonoids tested (19,20). Other studies have found that Diosmin puts the brakes on the spread of cancer cells in the mouth (25).
Although it could be years before science conclusively proves Diosmin's cancer benefit, this nutrient can't be beat for supporting vein health. Along with taking supplemental Diosmin, there are several simple strategies you can employ to encourage healthy circulation. Eating a high-fiber, anti-oxidant rich diet and getting plenty of exercise can help keep veins in top form. And remember to take a break and put your feet up every now and again.
What Is Goji Juice?
Goji Juice - Goji (Lycium barbarum – Latin).

While it has occupied an important place in traditional Asian medicine for countless generations, the secrets of its nutritional benefits have remained a mystery to most of the world.
Through the ages, legends abound about this miraculous fruit, the goji berry. There are festivals held to celebrate its goodness, and a poem was written in its honor.
During the Tang Dynasty (around 800 AD), a well had been dug beside a wall near a famous Buddhist temple that was covered with goji vines. Over the years, countless berries had fallen into the well. Those who prayed there had the ruddy complexion of good health, and even at the age of eighty they had no white hair and had lost no teeth, simply because they drank the water from the well.
It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that they shared their wisdom with the ancient herbalists of China, Tibet, and India. One of their most prized secrets was the fruit of the native goji vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time. Those who came there to learn took the goji home with them and planted it in their own valleys, thus spreading the legend of this most marvelous and healthful fruit.
The people of Central Asia who love and cherish these goji berries so much that they devote two weeks every year to festivals in their honor.
Scientists realized four primary bioactive polysaccharides were discovered in Lycium barbarum. They named them Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP).
Research suggests that goji’s unique polysaccharides control and command many of the body’s most important biochemical defense systems.
Since its discovery in the Himalayas, those who know of the remarkable goji berry are awed by its unmatched health-promoting powers.
Scientific research from major universities around the world has validated the remarkable health benefits of the goji berry claimed by the Himalayan Healers thousands of years ago. Over 50 studies have already been published in prestigious health journals, including:
British Journal of Nutrition, International Immunopharmacology, Journal of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Journal of Ethno pharmacology China Pharmacology and Toxicology, Chinese Herb News Magazine Research Communications Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology Chinese Patent Herbs, Chinese Herbs, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Chinese Oncology Magazine, Hygiene Research, Physiology Academic Journal Chinese Stomatology, And Many More...
To quote Dr. Mindell's book, "Goji: The Himalayan Health Secret"... "many of the world's longest living people consume regular daily helpings of a tiny red fruit that just happens to be the world's most powerful anti-aging food: the Goji Berry."
This tiny fruit revealed itself to be quite possibly the most nutritionally dense food on earth!

While it has occupied an important place in traditional Asian medicine for countless generations, the secrets of its nutritional benefits have remained a mystery to most of the world.
Through the ages, legends abound about this miraculous fruit, the goji berry. There are festivals held to celebrate its goodness, and a poem was written in its honor.
During the Tang Dynasty (around 800 AD), a well had been dug beside a wall near a famous Buddhist temple that was covered with goji vines. Over the years, countless berries had fallen into the well. Those who prayed there had the ruddy complexion of good health, and even at the age of eighty they had no white hair and had lost no teeth, simply because they drank the water from the well.
It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that they shared their wisdom with the ancient herbalists of China, Tibet, and India. One of their most prized secrets was the fruit of the native goji vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time. Those who came there to learn took the goji home with them and planted it in their own valleys, thus spreading the legend of this most marvelous and healthful fruit.
The people of Central Asia who love and cherish these goji berries so much that they devote two weeks every year to festivals in their honor.
Scientists realized four primary bioactive polysaccharides were discovered in Lycium barbarum. They named them Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP).
Research suggests that goji’s unique polysaccharides control and command many of the body’s most important biochemical defense systems.
Since its discovery in the Himalayas, those who know of the remarkable goji berry are awed by its unmatched health-promoting powers.
Scientific research from major universities around the world has validated the remarkable health benefits of the goji berry claimed by the Himalayan Healers thousands of years ago. Over 50 studies have already been published in prestigious health journals, including:
British Journal of Nutrition, International Immunopharmacology, Journal of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Journal of Ethno pharmacology China Pharmacology and Toxicology, Chinese Herb News Magazine Research Communications Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology Chinese Patent Herbs, Chinese Herbs, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Chinese Oncology Magazine, Hygiene Research, Physiology Academic Journal Chinese Stomatology, And Many More...
To quote Dr. Mindell's book, "Goji: The Himalayan Health Secret"... "many of the world's longest living people consume regular daily helpings of a tiny red fruit that just happens to be the world's most powerful anti-aging food: the Goji Berry."
This tiny fruit revealed itself to be quite possibly the most nutritionally dense food on earth!
Chocolate Effectively Lowers Risk From High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a significant concern as it significantly raises the incidence of vascular disease and stroke. As a result of stress, poor diet and lifestyle, enzymes in our body produce a substance known as angiotensin II that causes blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure to increase.
Standard medical practice is to prescribe ACE inhibitors to inhibit the action of these enzymes, often with mixed results and always dangerous side effects. Researchers have now confirmed that natural flavanols found in cacao from chocolate can lower blood pressure as effectively as the Big Pharma solutions.
Natural Flavanols from Cacao Effectively Regulate Blood Pressure
Researchers have known for some time that the active catechins and procyanidines in many fruits, vegetables and green tea promote health and protect against disease through a variety of biochemical mechanisms. The results of a study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology explains how flavanols from cacao and dark chocolate inhibit the action of angiotensin to influence the body’s fluid balance and effectively regulate blood pressure.
Study Demonstrates Blood Pressure Lowering Effect of Chocolate
The study involved ten men and six women aged 20 to 45 who were fed 75 grams of unsweetened chocolate with a cacao content of 72%. Blood samples were taken before and again after eating the sample chocolate to analyze the activity of the ACE enzyme. Researchers were amazed to find that the enzyme activity was reduced by 18%, effectively lowering dangerous blood pressure as well or even better than many pharmaceuticals.
The lead author concluded, “Our findings indicate that changes in lifestyle with the help of foods that contain large concentrations of catechins and procyaninides prevent cardiovascular diseases.” It`s important to note that the results were produced using unsweetened cacao as found in many specialty dark chocolates. The same benefits would not be conferred with commonly available sweetened milk chocolate and semi-sweet varieties.
Flavanols From Chocolate Increases Nitric Oxide, Relaxes Blood Vessels
Information reported in the journal BMC Medicine combines the results of 15 independent studies on the vessel dilating effects of flavanols from chocolate. Researchers found that moderate consumption of chocolate with a high percentage of cacao showed significant blood pressure reduction in people with high blood pressure, and no effect on individuals with normal pressure readings. Flavanols increase the natural formation of endothelial nitric oxide that exhibits a relaxing effect on blood vessel walls and lowered blood pressure.
Cacao from chocolate is shown to be yet another example of how a natural compound can promote health and prevent disease. Flavanols and catechins are chemical compounds found in unprocessed foods that are essential to human health. When consumed or supplemented as part of a whole food diet they demonstrate reduced risk of disease without the damaging side effects commonly seen with pharmaceuticals.
Standard medical practice is to prescribe ACE inhibitors to inhibit the action of these enzymes, often with mixed results and always dangerous side effects. Researchers have now confirmed that natural flavanols found in cacao from chocolate can lower blood pressure as effectively as the Big Pharma solutions.
Natural Flavanols from Cacao Effectively Regulate Blood Pressure
Researchers have known for some time that the active catechins and procyanidines in many fruits, vegetables and green tea promote health and protect against disease through a variety of biochemical mechanisms. The results of a study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology explains how flavanols from cacao and dark chocolate inhibit the action of angiotensin to influence the body’s fluid balance and effectively regulate blood pressure.
Study Demonstrates Blood Pressure Lowering Effect of Chocolate
The study involved ten men and six women aged 20 to 45 who were fed 75 grams of unsweetened chocolate with a cacao content of 72%. Blood samples were taken before and again after eating the sample chocolate to analyze the activity of the ACE enzyme. Researchers were amazed to find that the enzyme activity was reduced by 18%, effectively lowering dangerous blood pressure as well or even better than many pharmaceuticals.
The lead author concluded, “Our findings indicate that changes in lifestyle with the help of foods that contain large concentrations of catechins and procyaninides prevent cardiovascular diseases.” It`s important to note that the results were produced using unsweetened cacao as found in many specialty dark chocolates. The same benefits would not be conferred with commonly available sweetened milk chocolate and semi-sweet varieties.
Flavanols From Chocolate Increases Nitric Oxide, Relaxes Blood Vessels
Information reported in the journal BMC Medicine combines the results of 15 independent studies on the vessel dilating effects of flavanols from chocolate. Researchers found that moderate consumption of chocolate with a high percentage of cacao showed significant blood pressure reduction in people with high blood pressure, and no effect on individuals with normal pressure readings. Flavanols increase the natural formation of endothelial nitric oxide that exhibits a relaxing effect on blood vessel walls and lowered blood pressure.
Cacao from chocolate is shown to be yet another example of how a natural compound can promote health and prevent disease. Flavanols and catechins are chemical compounds found in unprocessed foods that are essential to human health. When consumed or supplemented as part of a whole food diet they demonstrate reduced risk of disease without the damaging side effects commonly seen with pharmaceuticals.
Throughout the course of recorded human history depression has been a malady with which people have struggled, suffered and sought relief. Unfortunately, long before the advent of modern medicine early physicians and healers had only their limited knowledge, imagination and gut instinct to work with. But as dedicated helping professionals they were determined to alleviate their patients' "dejection" or "melancholy." As such, they devised treatments for depression and other mental illnesses which, today, seem strange, weird and even barbaric.
In 1927 Viennese physician Manfred Sakel sent a diabetic patient who was also a morphine addict into an coma when he accidentally administered an insulin overdose. When she, luckily, came out of the coma she reported her addiction was gone. Apparently, Sakel made the same mistake with another addict who awoke claiming to be cured.
Sakel believed he was on to something and used coma therapy with a reported ninety percent rate of cure among schizohprenics.
The reason for this treatment's success remains unclear but was phased out due to the danger and death associated with coma.
Trepanation, which involves boring a hole in the patient's skull, has been identified as one of the earliest forms of mental health treatment.
Insanity and other unwanted behavioral problems where believed to be the cause of demons living inside the person's head. Creating a hole in the person's skull was a way to let demons escape, thereby eliminating suffering from depression.
Devised by Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, rotational therapy was used to "spin" people to sleep. Sleep was believed to be the best remedy for any disease, so quickly inducing slumber became the goal of this treatment devised by this not-very-successful, physician, philosopher, and scientist.
Rotational therapy never gained much credibility until an American doctor, named Benjamin Rush, used the dizzying therapy in his psychiatric practice. But instead of trying to induce sleep, Dr. Rush would spin patients in a rotating chair to reduce brain congestion. He believed this to be the cause of their mental illness.
While no longer used to treat mental illness, rotating chairs continue to be used in the study of space sickness and vertigo.
Early psychiatrists believed the calming effects of soaking in water could be adapted to treat a wide range of mental health issues. If you were nervous and unsettled, hot, relaxing baths were recommended. If you lacked energy and were tired all the time, you were treated with energizing sprays.
Unfortunately, hydrotherapy left the realm of common-sense and entered the realm of borderline torture when doctors tightly swaddled patients with towels soaked in ice water, or strapped patients into bathtubs, submerging them for hours and even days.
Fortunately, except for relaxing soaks in a hot tub, hydrotherapy treatments for depression have largely been abandoned.
In 1927 Viennese physician Manfred Sakel sent a diabetic patient who was also a morphine addict into an coma when he accidentally administered an insulin overdose. When she, luckily, came out of the coma she reported her addiction was gone. Apparently, Sakel made the same mistake with another addict who awoke claiming to be cured.
Sakel believed he was on to something and used coma therapy with a reported ninety percent rate of cure among schizohprenics.
The reason for this treatment's success remains unclear but was phased out due to the danger and death associated with coma.
Trepanation, which involves boring a hole in the patient's skull, has been identified as one of the earliest forms of mental health treatment.
Insanity and other unwanted behavioral problems where believed to be the cause of demons living inside the person's head. Creating a hole in the person's skull was a way to let demons escape, thereby eliminating suffering from depression.
Devised by Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, rotational therapy was used to "spin" people to sleep. Sleep was believed to be the best remedy for any disease, so quickly inducing slumber became the goal of this treatment devised by this not-very-successful, physician, philosopher, and scientist.
Rotational therapy never gained much credibility until an American doctor, named Benjamin Rush, used the dizzying therapy in his psychiatric practice. But instead of trying to induce sleep, Dr. Rush would spin patients in a rotating chair to reduce brain congestion. He believed this to be the cause of their mental illness.
While no longer used to treat mental illness, rotating chairs continue to be used in the study of space sickness and vertigo.
Early psychiatrists believed the calming effects of soaking in water could be adapted to treat a wide range of mental health issues. If you were nervous and unsettled, hot, relaxing baths were recommended. If you lacked energy and were tired all the time, you were treated with energizing sprays.
Unfortunately, hydrotherapy left the realm of common-sense and entered the realm of borderline torture when doctors tightly swaddled patients with towels soaked in ice water, or strapped patients into bathtubs, submerging them for hours and even days.
Fortunately, except for relaxing soaks in a hot tub, hydrotherapy treatments for depression have largely been abandoned.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Dangerous Side Effects Of Ibuprofen
Currently being amongst the frequently used prescriptions Ibuprofen is very important, but it additionally comes with numerous dangerous side effects that may appear in certain cases. Ibuprofen is the therapy generally useful to take care of inflamed processes not to mention temperature for instance. Additionally , it is put to use as pain killer given that it can relieve soreness.
Even if the negative effects from ibuprofen aren't being experienced constantly, you can find certain cases at which they happen. A number of the complications that may be stated here are: stomach ache, looseness of the bowels, bowel obstruction, headaches, feeling light headed, and even a feeling of sickness. You can find people that gone through preservation of sodium within the body which is certainly seen to end up in high blood pressure levels. Gas, symptoms of heartburn and also belly discomfort are usually recorded occasionally and also various other, not so typical negative effects: hyperkalemia, esophageal ulceration along with heart related illnesses.
The ibuprofen may have interaction with a few other medicines. So it's imperative that you speak to your health practitioner before you begin using Ibuprofen. If a person suffers from any kind of allergy cases or use various other prescribed medicines simultaneously you need to say that to your own doctor. Only if a medical doctor informs you to do this, you better not get other approved medicine along with ibuprofen.
The health specialist really needs to be prepared if you are afflicted with disorders like failing liver or renal system infections, lupus, dripping sinuses, allergic reactions, puffiness of lower limbs or arms, bronchial asthma. And also this can be applied for everybody who is expecting a baby or even nursing a baby. Session with your personal health specialist is very important. For anyone who is going to have a surgical treatment, you should definitely inform your health specialist if you are getting ibuprofen. One more thing which is definitely necessary, and that is exactly whenever you give ibuprofen to your own boy or girl, ensure that you consult with a family doctor prior to carrying it out. In this way you're going to be certain you're offering the precise quantity. As with all different prescribed medicines it is essential to be cautious using it and frequently speak with your personal health practitioner.
Even if the negative effects from ibuprofen aren't being experienced constantly, you can find certain cases at which they happen. A number of the complications that may be stated here are: stomach ache, looseness of the bowels, bowel obstruction, headaches, feeling light headed, and even a feeling of sickness. You can find people that gone through preservation of sodium within the body which is certainly seen to end up in high blood pressure levels. Gas, symptoms of heartburn and also belly discomfort are usually recorded occasionally and also various other, not so typical negative effects: hyperkalemia, esophageal ulceration along with heart related illnesses.
The ibuprofen may have interaction with a few other medicines. So it's imperative that you speak to your health practitioner before you begin using Ibuprofen. If a person suffers from any kind of allergy cases or use various other prescribed medicines simultaneously you need to say that to your own doctor. Only if a medical doctor informs you to do this, you better not get other approved medicine along with ibuprofen.
The health specialist really needs to be prepared if you are afflicted with disorders like failing liver or renal system infections, lupus, dripping sinuses, allergic reactions, puffiness of lower limbs or arms, bronchial asthma. And also this can be applied for everybody who is expecting a baby or even nursing a baby. Session with your personal health specialist is very important. For anyone who is going to have a surgical treatment, you should definitely inform your health specialist if you are getting ibuprofen. One more thing which is definitely necessary, and that is exactly whenever you give ibuprofen to your own boy or girl, ensure that you consult with a family doctor prior to carrying it out. In this way you're going to be certain you're offering the precise quantity. As with all different prescribed medicines it is essential to be cautious using it and frequently speak with your personal health practitioner.
Drug Testing Products To Keep Organization Free From Drug Addiction
No employer wants to hire such professionals who are severe addict of illicit drugs. These people will not only affect the environment of workplaces but also cause the reduced productivity on a large scale. On the other hand, employees may feel guilty after being neglected from selection panel or rebuked in public for the behavior. At the time there are many drug testing products available in the market to help such people. These products are very affordable and easy to use at home so they can gradually mitigate the intensity of the problem.
There are many cases coming into limelight when workers are found under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol that cost very heavy to the companies. It can also put the reputation of company on stake and company owners may face an offense for the rude behavior of his employee. This factor can also cost more in worker's compensation or health insurance. This is why many organizations have made it mandatory for every employee to go through the periodical drug tests so that they can keep the premise free from drug addiction.
People have the option of workplace drug testing with instant onsite drug test kits and laboratory based drug tests. Those who are looking for high quality drug tests are open to take some other sophisticated methods like saliva, hair and urine drug tests. These days saliva drug test is very popular and is being widely used. It is very simple, easy and comfortable and is capable to give fast and reliable results quickly.
The home drug test option is very popular among people. The facility of five panel dip card drug test is able to provide result within five minutes. If you want more information about using home drug tests or buying the best home drug test kit then you can go to some online portals. There are plenty of helpful resources on the Internet. The online drug test products give a very cost-effective and immediate result to the needy people.
There are many cases coming into limelight when workers are found under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol that cost very heavy to the companies. It can also put the reputation of company on stake and company owners may face an offense for the rude behavior of his employee. This factor can also cost more in worker's compensation or health insurance. This is why many organizations have made it mandatory for every employee to go through the periodical drug tests so that they can keep the premise free from drug addiction.
People have the option of workplace drug testing with instant onsite drug test kits and laboratory based drug tests. Those who are looking for high quality drug tests are open to take some other sophisticated methods like saliva, hair and urine drug tests. These days saliva drug test is very popular and is being widely used. It is very simple, easy and comfortable and is capable to give fast and reliable results quickly.
The home drug test option is very popular among people. The facility of five panel dip card drug test is able to provide result within five minutes. If you want more information about using home drug tests or buying the best home drug test kit then you can go to some online portals. There are plenty of helpful resources on the Internet. The online drug test products give a very cost-effective and immediate result to the needy people.
Food And Drug Interactions With Herbal Supplements
The advent of the new millennium has brought significant advancements in the field of medicine where treatment has become more sophisticated. Recently, however, there seems to be a steady rise in the popularity of herbal products and dietary supplements among health-conscious individuals in today's modern world. Although the use of herbs has been a traditional practice since ancient times, the efficacy of certain plants and its extracts in curing various ailment such as stomach pain, headache, skin infections, as well as the treatments of wounds have remained popular to those who cannot afford the high cost of modern medicine. Others simply advocate the "go natural" idea as a healthier option for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Besides, even herbal medicines are no longer limited to the traditional fresh or dried plants but now come in the form of tablets, capsules, powders, or as teas.
Drugs and Herbal Medicines
Prescription and non-prescription drugs are chemical substances that can cure and reduce the symptoms of an illness and have powerful ingredients interacting with the human body in different ways. Different lifestyles have a way of influencing the efficacy and ability of certain drugs to work in the body. Foods, beverages, alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and herbal supplements may cause drug interaction by reducing the efficacy of the medicine or it may lead to serious side effects.
Herbal medicines may be effective in treating and curing many health problems. However, they must be taken properly and with caution to ensure safety and avoid possible drug interactions. Herbal products are not regulated for purity and potency and are not tested with the scientific rigor required of conventional drugs. Its manufacturers are not required to submit proof of safety and efficacy to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in order to market their products. Thus, the adverse effects and drug interactions which may be associated with herbal medicines caused by impurities such as allergens and pollen are largely unknown. Moreover, some herbal products have high potency which may increase the possibility of its ill effects. Therefore, herbal products are not supposed to be marketed for the diagnosis, treatment, cure and/or prevention of disease. In fact, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 enables these products to include in the labels statements about their alleged effects on the human body such as alleviation of fatigue or how they can help in promoting the general well-being of a person such as mood enhancement. These declared effects of herbal products have been analyzed and are proven to resemble claims of clinical efficacy for various diseases and conditions.
Side Effects of Herbal Remedies
Herbal products are widely available without a need for any prescription. And there are people who fail to inform their doctors about the supplements they are taking. Medical guidance is necessary to avoid potential drug interactions such as the following:
Gingko Biloba Extract is widely known to be a brain booster which aids a lot of students and professionals in enhancing memory functions. However, it has been reported to be causing spontaneous bleeding, and interacts with anti-coagulants and anti-platelet agents. St. John's Wort, advertised as a treatment for depression, has been implicated to be cause an increase in the level of serotonin, dopamine and neropinephrine. Though it does not interact with foods that contain tyramine, it should not be used with prescription antidepressants. Herbal products containing ephedrine have been linked to adverse cardiovascular attacks, seizures, and deaths. Ginseng, popularly known for its physical and psychological effects, is generally well-accepted and tolerated but is reported to cause decreased response to warfarin.
This is the reason why physicians should be aware of their patient's dietary supplement use. Herbal supplements have become so popular that physicians need to ask questions about its use by their patients as part of the medical history.
Safety Precautions
In taking your medicines, always follow the instructions of your doctor carefully in order to obtain the maximum benefit with minimal risk. Changes in the efficacy of medicines due to drug interaction with food, alcohol, caffeine, or herbal supplements are very important. However, there can also be other factors which may affect such variations like dosage, age, weight, sex, and the general health condition of the patient.
When you take medicine, be sure to follow your doctor's instructions carefully to obtain the maximum benefit with the least risk. Changes in a medicine's effect due to an interaction with food, alcohol or caffeine can be significant; however, there are many individual factors that influence the potential for such variations, like dose, age, weight, sex, and overall health.
This information about possible drug interactions should not replace the advice of your physician or health care professionals. Any problems or questions concerning possible drug interactions should be consulted with them. Remember, drug interactions may cause serious medical conditions.
Drugs and Herbal Medicines
Prescription and non-prescription drugs are chemical substances that can cure and reduce the symptoms of an illness and have powerful ingredients interacting with the human body in different ways. Different lifestyles have a way of influencing the efficacy and ability of certain drugs to work in the body. Foods, beverages, alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and herbal supplements may cause drug interaction by reducing the efficacy of the medicine or it may lead to serious side effects.
Herbal medicines may be effective in treating and curing many health problems. However, they must be taken properly and with caution to ensure safety and avoid possible drug interactions. Herbal products are not regulated for purity and potency and are not tested with the scientific rigor required of conventional drugs. Its manufacturers are not required to submit proof of safety and efficacy to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in order to market their products. Thus, the adverse effects and drug interactions which may be associated with herbal medicines caused by impurities such as allergens and pollen are largely unknown. Moreover, some herbal products have high potency which may increase the possibility of its ill effects. Therefore, herbal products are not supposed to be marketed for the diagnosis, treatment, cure and/or prevention of disease. In fact, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 enables these products to include in the labels statements about their alleged effects on the human body such as alleviation of fatigue or how they can help in promoting the general well-being of a person such as mood enhancement. These declared effects of herbal products have been analyzed and are proven to resemble claims of clinical efficacy for various diseases and conditions.
Side Effects of Herbal Remedies
Herbal products are widely available without a need for any prescription. And there are people who fail to inform their doctors about the supplements they are taking. Medical guidance is necessary to avoid potential drug interactions such as the following:
Gingko Biloba Extract is widely known to be a brain booster which aids a lot of students and professionals in enhancing memory functions. However, it has been reported to be causing spontaneous bleeding, and interacts with anti-coagulants and anti-platelet agents. St. John's Wort, advertised as a treatment for depression, has been implicated to be cause an increase in the level of serotonin, dopamine and neropinephrine. Though it does not interact with foods that contain tyramine, it should not be used with prescription antidepressants. Herbal products containing ephedrine have been linked to adverse cardiovascular attacks, seizures, and deaths. Ginseng, popularly known for its physical and psychological effects, is generally well-accepted and tolerated but is reported to cause decreased response to warfarin.
This is the reason why physicians should be aware of their patient's dietary supplement use. Herbal supplements have become so popular that physicians need to ask questions about its use by their patients as part of the medical history.
Safety Precautions
In taking your medicines, always follow the instructions of your doctor carefully in order to obtain the maximum benefit with minimal risk. Changes in the efficacy of medicines due to drug interaction with food, alcohol, caffeine, or herbal supplements are very important. However, there can also be other factors which may affect such variations like dosage, age, weight, sex, and the general health condition of the patient.
When you take medicine, be sure to follow your doctor's instructions carefully to obtain the maximum benefit with the least risk. Changes in a medicine's effect due to an interaction with food, alcohol or caffeine can be significant; however, there are many individual factors that influence the potential for such variations, like dose, age, weight, sex, and overall health.
This information about possible drug interactions should not replace the advice of your physician or health care professionals. Any problems or questions concerning possible drug interactions should be consulted with them. Remember, drug interactions may cause serious medical conditions.
Depitol Drug ( Medicine) Information
What is Depitol and for what Depitol is used?
Depitol is an "extended-release" form of carbamazepine, which means that the medicine is released into the body slowly instead of all at once. Depitol is used to aid in the treatment of epilepsy. TEGRETOL is another name for it.
Depitol is used to treat seizures and nerve pain such as trigeminal neuralgia and diabetic neuropathy. Depitol medications is not for common aches and pains.
How to Take Depitol
Take Depitol exactly as prescribed by health care provider. Depitol is available in CAPSULE form. Take this medicine after food. Do not stop Depitol medication without the advice of your doctor; doing so may result in an increase in seizures. The Tegretol, Tegretol XR, and Epitol brands of Depitol should be taken with food. The Depitol brand of Depitol may be taken with or without food.
What are the Side Effects of Depitol -
Like other medicines, Depitol can cause side effects. Some of the more common side effects of Depitol include
* mouth ulcers
* pain or difficulty passing urine
* redness, blistering, peeling or loosening of the skin, including inside the mouth
* ringing in the ears
* seizures (convulsions)
* shortness of breath, wheezing
* skin rash, hives, itching
* sore throat
* Sleepiness/drowsiness
* Coordination difficulties
* Rash or other allergic reaction (swollen glands, fever, sore throat).
* Weakness of the bones (osteopenia)
* stomach pain
* swollen joints or muscle/joint aches and pains
* unusual bleeding or bruising
* unusual swelling
* vomiting
Some other side effects of Depitol are as:
* Liver problems
* Blood problems
* Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Depitol intraction with other drugs:
Depitol is metabolized in the liver and interacts with several other epilepsy drugs and other medications, such as warfarin, theophyline, and doxycycline. It may reduce the effectiveness of other antiepileptic drugs which are also processed through the liver and with the effectiveness of birth control pills at standard doses. Tell your doctor if you are taking other drugs.
Warnings and precautions before taking Depitol :
* If you are taking carbamazepine for epilepsy (seizures) do not stop taking it suddenly. This increases the risk of seizures. Wear a Medic Alert bracelet or necklace. Carry an identification card with information about your condition, medications, and prescriber or health care professional.
* Depitol capsule must not be used during pregnancy as it may cause harmful side effects to the unborn child. Seek medical advice from your doctor.
* Talk with your physician or pharmacist if you are taking other medications along with Depitol.
* Breast Feeding - Mothers who are taking Depitol and who wish to breast-feed should discuss this with their doctor.
* Do not drink alcohol while taking Depitol. Alcohol may increase drowsiness caused by Depitol. It may also increase the risk of seizures.
* The safety and efficay of this medicine have not been studied in children and adolescents, hence it is not recommended for use in these age groups.
What if Overdose of Depitol ?
If you think you or anyone else taken overdose of Depitol, immediately telephone your doctor or contact your local or regional Poisons Information Centre Seek medical attention immediately. You may need urgent medical attention.
What if Missed Dose of Depitol?
If you miss a dose of Depitol medicine and you remember within an hour or so, take the dose immediately. If you do not remember until later, skip the dose you missed and go back to your regular schedule. Do not double doses.
Storage Conditions for Depitol:
Store Depitol capsules at room temperature (below 77°F) and protect them from light and moisture. Keep the medication away from the children.
Depitol is an "extended-release" form of carbamazepine, which means that the medicine is released into the body slowly instead of all at once. Depitol is used to aid in the treatment of epilepsy. TEGRETOL is another name for it.
Depitol is used to treat seizures and nerve pain such as trigeminal neuralgia and diabetic neuropathy. Depitol medications is not for common aches and pains.
How to Take Depitol
Take Depitol exactly as prescribed by health care provider. Depitol is available in CAPSULE form. Take this medicine after food. Do not stop Depitol medication without the advice of your doctor; doing so may result in an increase in seizures. The Tegretol, Tegretol XR, and Epitol brands of Depitol should be taken with food. The Depitol brand of Depitol may be taken with or without food.
What are the Side Effects of Depitol -
Like other medicines, Depitol can cause side effects. Some of the more common side effects of Depitol include
* mouth ulcers
* pain or difficulty passing urine
* redness, blistering, peeling or loosening of the skin, including inside the mouth
* ringing in the ears
* seizures (convulsions)
* shortness of breath, wheezing
* skin rash, hives, itching
* sore throat
* Sleepiness/drowsiness
* Coordination difficulties
* Rash or other allergic reaction (swollen glands, fever, sore throat).
* Weakness of the bones (osteopenia)
* stomach pain
* swollen joints or muscle/joint aches and pains
* unusual bleeding or bruising
* unusual swelling
* vomiting
Some other side effects of Depitol are as:
* Liver problems
* Blood problems
* Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Depitol intraction with other drugs:
Depitol is metabolized in the liver and interacts with several other epilepsy drugs and other medications, such as warfarin, theophyline, and doxycycline. It may reduce the effectiveness of other antiepileptic drugs which are also processed through the liver and with the effectiveness of birth control pills at standard doses. Tell your doctor if you are taking other drugs.
Warnings and precautions before taking Depitol :
* If you are taking carbamazepine for epilepsy (seizures) do not stop taking it suddenly. This increases the risk of seizures. Wear a Medic Alert bracelet or necklace. Carry an identification card with information about your condition, medications, and prescriber or health care professional.
* Depitol capsule must not be used during pregnancy as it may cause harmful side effects to the unborn child. Seek medical advice from your doctor.
* Talk with your physician or pharmacist if you are taking other medications along with Depitol.
* Breast Feeding - Mothers who are taking Depitol and who wish to breast-feed should discuss this with their doctor.
* Do not drink alcohol while taking Depitol. Alcohol may increase drowsiness caused by Depitol. It may also increase the risk of seizures.
* The safety and efficay of this medicine have not been studied in children and adolescents, hence it is not recommended for use in these age groups.
What if Overdose of Depitol ?
If you think you or anyone else taken overdose of Depitol, immediately telephone your doctor or contact your local or regional Poisons Information Centre Seek medical attention immediately. You may need urgent medical attention.
What if Missed Dose of Depitol?
If you miss a dose of Depitol medicine and you remember within an hour or so, take the dose immediately. If you do not remember until later, skip the dose you missed and go back to your regular schedule. Do not double doses.
Storage Conditions for Depitol:
Store Depitol capsules at room temperature (below 77°F) and protect them from light and moisture. Keep the medication away from the children.
Get The Right Pregnancy Acne Treatment
It is a popular misconception that acne only affects teenagers. It is more common in adult life than many people realize, and it is especially frequent in pregnant women due to the hormonal activity associated with pregnancy. This presents special difficulties because many standard acne treatments have been found to be very damaging to the unborn baby.
Pregnancy acne treatment therefore has to look for am acceptable balance between dealing with the patient’s acne symptoms and at the same time protecting the unborn baby.
Pharmacology Warnings
Please note that we cannot cover all of the dangers here and patients should always consult their physician before commencing any treatment.
Many of the most popular acne remedies are not advisable for use in pregnancy acne treatment. Whether taken by mouth (orally) or applied directly to the affected skin (topically), they have real potential to harm the unborn baby. Caution is also required in acne treatment for breast-feeding mothers. The very first thing to do is, as ever, consult a physician prior to commencing acne treatment. For severe acne outbreaks, a consultation with an experienced dermatologist could be the best option. Dermatologists are skin specialists who have more specific dermatological experience and expertise than most general medical practitioners.
Some of the most effective medications contain retinoids, for example Accutane. However, these must never be used by women who are (or may be) pregnant. There is a body of reliable clinical evidence which makes it clear that retinoid usage can lead to severe birth defects.
Topically-applied products containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are amongst the most common pharmaceutical acne treatments. These products are not safe to use during pregnancy. Instead, consider using over-the-counter medications based on glycolic acid but be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions in order to avoid adverse side effects.
Alternative Medicines
Over the years, many natural products have been proposed as acne treatments. These may be worth considering for pregnancy acne treatment as they have few if any side effects. Indeed, some might argue that many of them have no effect whatsoever. Note that there is no clinical evidence supporting their effectiveness, either.
An enormous range of natural ingredients has been proposed for acne treatment. This includes honey, cinnamon, mint and lemon or orange derivatives such as juice and peel. There are many others. The ingredients are prepared as a cream, paste or lotion that is regularly applied to the skin. Sometimes a daily regimen is specified, and this at least may be beneficial to the patient.
Some alternative acne remedies are simply scams. Expensive herbal remedies are available online and in some retailers. There is no clinical proof that they have any useful benefits, although they are likely (but not guaranteed) to be safe for pregnancy acne treatment. As ever, be suspicious of expensive herbal preparations and the often risible claims made for them.
Some long-established sham treatments come around again and again. Favorites must include homeopathy and acupuncture. These are amongst the oldest known medical scams. Both claim to fix almost every known illness, and they are frequently suggested as “cures” for acne. Can just one mode of treatment fix everything? No, of course it can’t.
Acupuncture: Old But Not Worthy
Acupuncture is an alternative therapy with its roots deep in ancient traditional Chinese medicine. There is no clinical evidence in support of any of the methodologies or effects claimed by acupuncture practitioners. The mere fact that the same treatment is supposed to cure almost all human illnesses should be enough warning. Much as in homeopathy, though, the procedure is unlikely to harm the fetus so it is probably safe as a pregnancy acne treatment.
A Closer Look At Homeopathy
In homeopathic remedies, successive dilution is used so that all traces of the original active ingredients are lost. The resulting potion is supposed to somehow remember that the active ingredients were once present, but of course there is no physical mechanism by which this memory effect could arise. The claims made for these products should be treated with the derision that they deserve. At least the buyer can be pretty confident that homeopathic remedies are inert and hence are likely to be safe to use as a pregnancy acne treatment.
Pregnancy acne treatment therefore has to look for am acceptable balance between dealing with the patient’s acne symptoms and at the same time protecting the unborn baby.
Pharmacology Warnings
Please note that we cannot cover all of the dangers here and patients should always consult their physician before commencing any treatment.
Many of the most popular acne remedies are not advisable for use in pregnancy acne treatment. Whether taken by mouth (orally) or applied directly to the affected skin (topically), they have real potential to harm the unborn baby. Caution is also required in acne treatment for breast-feeding mothers. The very first thing to do is, as ever, consult a physician prior to commencing acne treatment. For severe acne outbreaks, a consultation with an experienced dermatologist could be the best option. Dermatologists are skin specialists who have more specific dermatological experience and expertise than most general medical practitioners.
Some of the most effective medications contain retinoids, for example Accutane. However, these must never be used by women who are (or may be) pregnant. There is a body of reliable clinical evidence which makes it clear that retinoid usage can lead to severe birth defects.
Topically-applied products containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are amongst the most common pharmaceutical acne treatments. These products are not safe to use during pregnancy. Instead, consider using over-the-counter medications based on glycolic acid but be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions in order to avoid adverse side effects.
Alternative Medicines
Over the years, many natural products have been proposed as acne treatments. These may be worth considering for pregnancy acne treatment as they have few if any side effects. Indeed, some might argue that many of them have no effect whatsoever. Note that there is no clinical evidence supporting their effectiveness, either.
An enormous range of natural ingredients has been proposed for acne treatment. This includes honey, cinnamon, mint and lemon or orange derivatives such as juice and peel. There are many others. The ingredients are prepared as a cream, paste or lotion that is regularly applied to the skin. Sometimes a daily regimen is specified, and this at least may be beneficial to the patient.
Some alternative acne remedies are simply scams. Expensive herbal remedies are available online and in some retailers. There is no clinical proof that they have any useful benefits, although they are likely (but not guaranteed) to be safe for pregnancy acne treatment. As ever, be suspicious of expensive herbal preparations and the often risible claims made for them.
Some long-established sham treatments come around again and again. Favorites must include homeopathy and acupuncture. These are amongst the oldest known medical scams. Both claim to fix almost every known illness, and they are frequently suggested as “cures” for acne. Can just one mode of treatment fix everything? No, of course it can’t.
Acupuncture: Old But Not Worthy
Acupuncture is an alternative therapy with its roots deep in ancient traditional Chinese medicine. There is no clinical evidence in support of any of the methodologies or effects claimed by acupuncture practitioners. The mere fact that the same treatment is supposed to cure almost all human illnesses should be enough warning. Much as in homeopathy, though, the procedure is unlikely to harm the fetus so it is probably safe as a pregnancy acne treatment.
A Closer Look At Homeopathy
In homeopathic remedies, successive dilution is used so that all traces of the original active ingredients are lost. The resulting potion is supposed to somehow remember that the active ingredients were once present, but of course there is no physical mechanism by which this memory effect could arise. The claims made for these products should be treated with the derision that they deserve. At least the buyer can be pretty confident that homeopathic remedies are inert and hence are likely to be safe to use as a pregnancy acne treatment.
Drug Efficacy
The effects of a drug can be evaluated based on its effectiveness (efficacy) strength (potency). Its meaning differs from field to field. However, in terms of pharmacology, the efficacy of a drug is known as the tendency of a drug to produce a maximum therapeutic response. Such is the importance of the drug efficacy that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initiated a program known as the Drug Efficacy Study Implementation to ensure the efficacy and safety of the drugs.
Pharmaceuticals have mainly consisted of fast acting and simple chemical compounds, which are dispensed either orally or through injectables. Several researches have been made to increase the efficacy of the drugs in the pharmacological world. However, it is important to note that greater efficacy is nowhere related to the preference in the usage of drugs. This is because several factors such as potential toxicity, side effects and duration of effects also play an important role in choosing the drug.
The drug efficacy is often determined during the process of drug formulation when different types of drugs as well as the active drug are combined together to build an effective result.
Drug delivery systems also play an important part in determining the drug efficacy.
The main objective of the drug delivery systems is to transmit the medications to the proposed body parts with the help of a medium, which has the control over the therapy’s administration by either a means of chemical or physiological trigger. To do this effectively, several researchers are now taking the help of sophisticated technologies such as the micro and nanotechnology.
Only time will on how these technologies are going to enhance the drug efficacy than the already in practice polymers which are also efficiently used to enhance the drug targeting specificity.
Pharmaceuticals have mainly consisted of fast acting and simple chemical compounds, which are dispensed either orally or through injectables. Several researches have been made to increase the efficacy of the drugs in the pharmacological world. However, it is important to note that greater efficacy is nowhere related to the preference in the usage of drugs. This is because several factors such as potential toxicity, side effects and duration of effects also play an important role in choosing the drug.
The drug efficacy is often determined during the process of drug formulation when different types of drugs as well as the active drug are combined together to build an effective result.
Drug delivery systems also play an important part in determining the drug efficacy.
The main objective of the drug delivery systems is to transmit the medications to the proposed body parts with the help of a medium, which has the control over the therapy’s administration by either a means of chemical or physiological trigger. To do this effectively, several researchers are now taking the help of sophisticated technologies such as the micro and nanotechnology.
Only time will on how these technologies are going to enhance the drug efficacy than the already in practice polymers which are also efficiently used to enhance the drug targeting specificity.
Drug Abuse, Symptoms And Solutions - Introduction
The basic scientific definition of a drug is that it is a substance that, by its chemical nature, affects the structure of function of a living organism. This definition covers almost everything that people inject, inhale, or absorb. It includes medicines, over – the counter drugs, illegal drugs, cigarettes, food additives, industrial chemicals, even food. Therefore any discussion of drugs must be somehow limited, and that limitation is dependent upon a particular point of view of the world.
For this discussion we will like to limit our self to psychoactive drugs that alter behaviour. We will in this discussion be able to look at the pharmacology of drugs for their effect and also the characteristics of the substance on the way it interacts with the living organism.
There is no such thing as a single effect of a drug. All drugs have multiple effects, and these vary from dose level to dose level, from person, and are greatly influenced by time and setting. Drug effects are a function of the interaction between the drug and the individual’s physical, psychological and social milieu.
All drugs are dangerous for some individuals at some dosage level under some circumstances, some drugs are more dangerous than others, some individuals are more susceptible to drugs than others. The use of any drug involves risks. The elements that must be considered are
1) The substance
2) The individual
3) The social – cultural milieu
Action and flow of information designed to influence drug use decisions must focus on the 3 elements. The usual mistake is to focus on one element more than the others.
For this discussion we will like to limit our self to psychoactive drugs that alter behaviour. We will in this discussion be able to look at the pharmacology of drugs for their effect and also the characteristics of the substance on the way it interacts with the living organism.
There is no such thing as a single effect of a drug. All drugs have multiple effects, and these vary from dose level to dose level, from person, and are greatly influenced by time and setting. Drug effects are a function of the interaction between the drug and the individual’s physical, psychological and social milieu.
All drugs are dangerous for some individuals at some dosage level under some circumstances, some drugs are more dangerous than others, some individuals are more susceptible to drugs than others. The use of any drug involves risks. The elements that must be considered are
1) The substance
2) The individual
3) The social – cultural milieu
Action and flow of information designed to influence drug use decisions must focus on the 3 elements. The usual mistake is to focus on one element more than the others.
Alcohol And Society Today
There has been a lot of discussion in the last few years about the continuing problem of alcohol and the effect it has on society. Should we treat alcohol as if it were an illicit drug?
Some of the promoters of harsh restrictions on the sale and marketing of certain alcoholic beverages (restrictions such as advertising bans and higher taxes) have justified their proposals with the erroneous assertion that alcohol is no different than illegal drugs.
There have even been stories in some of the media attempting to equate alcohol with the use and/or abuse of illegal substances such as marijuana, crack, cocaine and heroin.
We will first mention as a matter of information that alcoholic beverages have been a part of western civilization for more than 25 centuries. Now we know there will always be people among us who drink. America has already tried prohibition and learned conclusively that it does not work. The simple fact is that many Americans like to drink and the vast majority of those who do, drink responsibly, thus, the public policy challenge we face today is not to stigmatize all drinking as bad but to maximize the probability that those who choose to drink will do so in a responsible manner.
It's a fact that excessive drinking can seriously damage one's health. Those who claim that "alcohol is a drug" want that word to carry a particular, threatening connotation. In reality, however, "drug" is an ethically, legally and physiologically neutral term that encompasses a wide spectrum of substances. According to a well-known medical textbook of pharmacology, a drug is any chemical agency that affects living processes. A drug can be as menacing as cocaine, as benign as sucrose or as helpful as vitamin C.
In a societal sense, some drugs relieve pain and assist in the healing process. Others are safely and legally enjoyed by millions of people very day, even though overuse can result in undesirable side effects. And some drugs are so terribly addictive that simply experimenting with them carries substantial risk.
Recent studies show that excess alcohol consumption can lead to a number of serious health problems, and of course there is the problem of addiction which must be taken into consideration. Who among us hasn't been exposed to a friend or relative with a severe drinking problem? Many of societies' problems today such as spouse abuse, child abuse and dysfunctional family relationships can be traced to drinking problems.
Alcohol may lead to liver problems, a variety of cancers as well as forms of osteoporosis and depression, and studies are showing, too, that women are more susceptible to the ill effects of alcohol than men. From this information, it is safe to conclude that anything which has this type of effect on one's general health is going to affect the entire system. And research has shown that alcohol depletes the body of its necessary vitamins and minerals. "Social drinking" seems to be an accepted practice these days and the arguments both pro and con will always be with us. It is our hope that as you read and consider this information you will become more aware of the effect that alcohol has on society today.
This article is provided by Carol Bond Health Foods. Carol Bond Health Foods has been serving natural health consumers for over 25 years.
Some of the promoters of harsh restrictions on the sale and marketing of certain alcoholic beverages (restrictions such as advertising bans and higher taxes) have justified their proposals with the erroneous assertion that alcohol is no different than illegal drugs.
There have even been stories in some of the media attempting to equate alcohol with the use and/or abuse of illegal substances such as marijuana, crack, cocaine and heroin.
We will first mention as a matter of information that alcoholic beverages have been a part of western civilization for more than 25 centuries. Now we know there will always be people among us who drink. America has already tried prohibition and learned conclusively that it does not work. The simple fact is that many Americans like to drink and the vast majority of those who do, drink responsibly, thus, the public policy challenge we face today is not to stigmatize all drinking as bad but to maximize the probability that those who choose to drink will do so in a responsible manner.
It's a fact that excessive drinking can seriously damage one's health. Those who claim that "alcohol is a drug" want that word to carry a particular, threatening connotation. In reality, however, "drug" is an ethically, legally and physiologically neutral term that encompasses a wide spectrum of substances. According to a well-known medical textbook of pharmacology, a drug is any chemical agency that affects living processes. A drug can be as menacing as cocaine, as benign as sucrose or as helpful as vitamin C.
In a societal sense, some drugs relieve pain and assist in the healing process. Others are safely and legally enjoyed by millions of people very day, even though overuse can result in undesirable side effects. And some drugs are so terribly addictive that simply experimenting with them carries substantial risk.
Recent studies show that excess alcohol consumption can lead to a number of serious health problems, and of course there is the problem of addiction which must be taken into consideration. Who among us hasn't been exposed to a friend or relative with a severe drinking problem? Many of societies' problems today such as spouse abuse, child abuse and dysfunctional family relationships can be traced to drinking problems.
Alcohol may lead to liver problems, a variety of cancers as well as forms of osteoporosis and depression, and studies are showing, too, that women are more susceptible to the ill effects of alcohol than men. From this information, it is safe to conclude that anything which has this type of effect on one's general health is going to affect the entire system. And research has shown that alcohol depletes the body of its necessary vitamins and minerals. "Social drinking" seems to be an accepted practice these days and the arguments both pro and con will always be with us. It is our hope that as you read and consider this information you will become more aware of the effect that alcohol has on society today.
This article is provided by Carol Bond Health Foods. Carol Bond Health Foods has been serving natural health consumers for over 25 years.
Why Does Cranberry Work So Well For Bladder Infections?
For ages, cranberry has been used for the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections. Research suggests that it prevents bacteria from adhering to host cell surface membranes. It was used by Native Americans to treat ailments of the bladder and kidneys. The cranberry was documented in the 17th century as a treatment for several ailments, including:
* Blood disorders
* Liver problems, vomiting and stomach ailments
* Loss of appetite
* Scurvy
Cranberry was used as an effective treatment for urinary tract infections long before antibiotics were invented. It is still recommended by physicians to be used in conjunction with a prescribed round of antibiotics for treating bladder infections.
Important Facts
Statistically, one in every five women in the United States suffers from bladder infections in her lifetime. Three percent of these women suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Approximately 11 million women each year receive medications to treat UTIs. Studies show that women with a history of bladder infections can reduce the frequency of those infections by regularly drinking cranberry juice.
There have been no significant reactions discovered between cranberry and prescription drugs. Drinking cranberry juice a minimum of three times per day during treatment of a bladder infection will increase the need to urinate. This helps your body to rid itself of the infection through ingestion and expulsion of fluids.
Pharmacology of Cranberry
The use of cranberry for medicinal purposes has been the subject of many scientific discussions. At first, it was thought that acidification of the urine assisted in creating an antibacterial effect. However, the primary reason that cranberry works so well for treating bladder infections is its prevention of bacterial adhesion to cell walls. It also prevents adherence by other gram-negative uropathogens that cause infection. Cranberry's ability to inhibit the adherence of bacteria has been shown through in vitro research.
Other Uses
One study showed that the same property in cranberry juice that prevents bladder infections also aids in dental plaque prevention. Additionally, cranberry has been discovered to be a recommended treatment for Candida (yeast) infections.
Further in vitro studies show that cranberry has an inhibiting effect on certain types of fungi. However, there are no human trials that indicate its effectiveness in treating fungal infections when used alone.
Symptoms of a Bladder Infection
The most common symptom of an oncoming bladder infection is feeling a constant, urgent need to empty the bladder. This feeling is present even when there is little or no fluid in the bladder. Other symptoms may include:
* Frequent urination
* Dysuria (burning or painful urination)
* Bladder spasms
* Cloudy urine
* Bloody urine
* Foul-smelling urine
* Mild fever
A bladder infection that has gone untreated for an extended period of time could turn into a kidney infection. This brings with it much more serious symptoms which may include fever, chills and nausea. You may also experience cloudy or bloody urine, painful urination and abdominal pain. A common telltale sign of kidney infection is back pain just above the waist.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is wise to contact your physician. Bladder infection symptoms will not go away by themselves. They will continue to worsen, and your infection will become much more serious. Treatment for bladder infections is quick and easy. The sooner you begin the better.
If you suspect that you are about to experience a bladder infection, begin a regimen of drinking cranberry juice or supplement at least three times a day and make an appointment with your doctor.
Preventing Bladder Infections
There are several precautions you can take to prevent bladder infections. Some may seem obvious or silly, but after your first infection you will think very differently. Some of these precautions include:
* Wipe from front to back after urination or a bowel movement. This prevents the spread of bacteria.
* Go to the bathroom frequently. Holding urine in the bladder for long periods of time invites an infection.
* Keep the genital area clean and dry. Avoid prolonged moisture in the area.
* Avoid frequent bubble baths. They can cause vaginal irritation.
* Try to urinate soon after sexual activity. If lubricants are used, use only those that are water-soluble.
* Underwear with a cotton crotch will aid in infection prevention as well.
Drink a lot of water throughout the day. Also, drink cranberry juice or cranberry supplement to keep the urine acidic. This will prevent natural bacteria from multiplying as frequently, thus avoiding bladder infection.
* Blood disorders
* Liver problems, vomiting and stomach ailments
* Loss of appetite
* Scurvy
Cranberry was used as an effective treatment for urinary tract infections long before antibiotics were invented. It is still recommended by physicians to be used in conjunction with a prescribed round of antibiotics for treating bladder infections.
Important Facts
Statistically, one in every five women in the United States suffers from bladder infections in her lifetime. Three percent of these women suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Approximately 11 million women each year receive medications to treat UTIs. Studies show that women with a history of bladder infections can reduce the frequency of those infections by regularly drinking cranberry juice.
There have been no significant reactions discovered between cranberry and prescription drugs. Drinking cranberry juice a minimum of three times per day during treatment of a bladder infection will increase the need to urinate. This helps your body to rid itself of the infection through ingestion and expulsion of fluids.
Pharmacology of Cranberry
The use of cranberry for medicinal purposes has been the subject of many scientific discussions. At first, it was thought that acidification of the urine assisted in creating an antibacterial effect. However, the primary reason that cranberry works so well for treating bladder infections is its prevention of bacterial adhesion to cell walls. It also prevents adherence by other gram-negative uropathogens that cause infection. Cranberry's ability to inhibit the adherence of bacteria has been shown through in vitro research.
Other Uses
One study showed that the same property in cranberry juice that prevents bladder infections also aids in dental plaque prevention. Additionally, cranberry has been discovered to be a recommended treatment for Candida (yeast) infections.
Further in vitro studies show that cranberry has an inhibiting effect on certain types of fungi. However, there are no human trials that indicate its effectiveness in treating fungal infections when used alone.
Symptoms of a Bladder Infection
The most common symptom of an oncoming bladder infection is feeling a constant, urgent need to empty the bladder. This feeling is present even when there is little or no fluid in the bladder. Other symptoms may include:
* Frequent urination
* Dysuria (burning or painful urination)
* Bladder spasms
* Cloudy urine
* Bloody urine
* Foul-smelling urine
* Mild fever
A bladder infection that has gone untreated for an extended period of time could turn into a kidney infection. This brings with it much more serious symptoms which may include fever, chills and nausea. You may also experience cloudy or bloody urine, painful urination and abdominal pain. A common telltale sign of kidney infection is back pain just above the waist.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is wise to contact your physician. Bladder infection symptoms will not go away by themselves. They will continue to worsen, and your infection will become much more serious. Treatment for bladder infections is quick and easy. The sooner you begin the better.
If you suspect that you are about to experience a bladder infection, begin a regimen of drinking cranberry juice or supplement at least three times a day and make an appointment with your doctor.
Preventing Bladder Infections
There are several precautions you can take to prevent bladder infections. Some may seem obvious or silly, but after your first infection you will think very differently. Some of these precautions include:
* Wipe from front to back after urination or a bowel movement. This prevents the spread of bacteria.
* Go to the bathroom frequently. Holding urine in the bladder for long periods of time invites an infection.
* Keep the genital area clean and dry. Avoid prolonged moisture in the area.
* Avoid frequent bubble baths. They can cause vaginal irritation.
* Try to urinate soon after sexual activity. If lubricants are used, use only those that are water-soluble.
* Underwear with a cotton crotch will aid in infection prevention as well.
Drink a lot of water throughout the day. Also, drink cranberry juice or cranberry supplement to keep the urine acidic. This will prevent natural bacteria from multiplying as frequently, thus avoiding bladder infection.
Goldenseal - Medicinal Uses, Interactions, Side Effects, Dosage
Goldenseal, also called yellowroot or eyeroot, is a member of the buttercup family and is native to North America. It produces a golden-yellow dye. Goldenseal's popularity in the 1990s led to severe over-harvesting, causing concerns that it was becoming an endangered species in the U.S. this has stimulated increased cultivation.
Uses and Benefits:
Goldenseal is marketed as a tonic and natural antibiotic, and it is often combined with echinacea to help "strengthen the immune system." As a popular American folk medicine, goldenseal has been used as an antiseptic, astringent, or hemostatic to treat a wide variety of skin, eye, and mucous membrane inflammatory and infectious conditions. Thus, it has been employed as a mouthwash, for canker sores, and as a topical agent for dermatologic disorders. In tonic form, it has been ingested as a "bitter" to aid digestion and treat dyspepsia. Some herbalists also view goldenseal as a mucous membrane "alterative"-increasing and decreasing mucus secretion depending on the body's needs.
Goldenseal contains several active isoquinoline dlkaloids such as berberine (0.5-6%), hydrastine (1.5-4%), and canadine. Berberine provides the bitter taste and yellow color to the herb, and most of the scientific explanations for goldenseal's 115e have been attributed to the effects of berberine and related . Berberine is very poorly absorbed orally (probably . 1 %), although blood levels are measurable after large doses.
Extracts of the crude herb, and berberine in particular, have broad in vitro antimicrobial activity against grampositive and gramnegative bacteria, fungi, and protozoa and other parasites to Immunologic activity, such as enhanced macrophage, cytokintt , and antibody response, has been demonstrated in rodent and vitro studies. In contrast, anti-inflammatory and immunos pressive effects also have been demonstrated, High doses oral berberine reduced the colonic inflammation of drug-inducod colitis in rats. Berberine's use as an antidiarrheal agent may be partly explained by inhibition of ion transport secretory activity in intestinal epithelial cells.
Berberine and related alkaloids affect in vivo cardiovasculilf activity and cause contraction or relaxation of isolated smooll1 muscles; results vary depending on the alkaloid and the animnl model studied. In humans, very large intravenous doses 01 berberine (0.2 mg/kg/min for 30 min) to patients with severe conge.stive heart failure caused significant hemodynamic changes consistent with decreased vascular resistance and increased cardiac output, as well as ventricular tachycardia in some patients.
Clinical Trials:
There are no clinical trials in the medical or herbal literature using goldenseal or crude herbal extracts. The only clinical research has been with pure berberine, often isolated from other berberine-containing plants such as Berberis aristata. Berberine has been studied in countries such as India for acute diarrhea in children or adults, and for trachoma. It appears to have antimicrobial and clinical activity similar to other antibiotics in unblinded, controlled trials for diarrhea due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and giardia, with fewer benefits found for cholera. One randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found only minimal anti-secretory or antibacterial effects for cholera and noncholera diarrhea. Berberine oral doses usually ranged from 100 mg/day for children to 400 mg/day for adults. For trachoma, a 0.2% berberine eyedrop was found to be similar in efficacy to other standard ophthalmic antibiotics these old studies have not been replicated.
In the Russian literature, very small doses of berberine have been reported to be beneficial in the treatment of cholecystitis or hepatitis (10-60 mg/day), and for thrombocytopenia (15 mg/day). However, it is doubtful that enough berberine is absorbed at these doses to have a substantial systemic effect. In uncontrolled Chinese studies, large doses of oral berberine have been found beneficial in patients with severe CHF (1200 mg/day) and diabetes (900-1500 mg/day).
Adverse Effects:
The herb appears safe and well tolerated based on traditional and common usage; there are no well-documented adverse effects with usual doses. A number of serious reactions have been previously described (e.g., gastrointestinal, toxicity, nephritis, ulcerations, convulsions, fatalities from cardiovascular collapse), but these appear to be inappropriately extrapolated from reports of toxicologic studies of berberine administered to animals, or from 19th century literature on homeopathic "provings."
Side Effects and Interactions:
Goldenseal can inhibit the hepatic cytochrome P450-3A4 drug-metabolizing system in vitro, but this has not been verified in vivo or clinically.Goldenseal is erroneously belived by drug users to act as a natural substance to mask the detection of illegal drugs in urine tests, This myth was originally based on an antiquated chemical reaction described in a novel by the herbalist John Lloyd, published in 1900.
Berberine-containing plants have been used as ingredients in abortifacient products and should be avoided during pregnancy. Similarly, use has been associated with cases of kernicterus in the newborn and should be avoided during breastfeeding of the very young. Because goldenseal is at risk of becoming an endangered species, some herbalists advocate the use of alternative berberine-containing plants in its place (e.g., barberry, Oregon grape, Chinese and American goldthread).
Preparations & Doses:
The usual oral dose of goldenseal is about 250-500 mg of solid extracts, or 500-1000 mg of dried root and rhizome, usually given t.i.d. Various tinctures and fluid extracts are also available. To provide 400 mg of berberine (the adult dose used in many clinical studies), one would have to ingest roughly 20-30 capsules containing 500 mg of goldenseal, an unreasonably large amount.
Summary Evaluation
Clinical trials have not been performed with goldenseal, and there is no evidence that this herb is effective for any clinical indication. There appears to be no rationale for favoring its combination with echinacea. Although the isolated alkaloid berberine is pharmacologically active, the small amount contained in usual oral doses of goldenseal is unlikely to be absorbed to a sufficient degree to provide systemic effects. Herbal extracts do have antimicrobial and other pharmacologic activity; these properties may support some of the herb's traditional uses when applied topically to the skin or mucous membranes, or when used locally in the gastrointestinal tract. These indications, however, have yet to be clinically evaluated.
Goldenseal, also called yellowroot or eyeroot, is a member of the buttercup family and is native to North America. It produces a golden-yellow dye. Goldenseal's popularity in the 1990s led to severe over-harvesting, causing concerns that it was becoming an endangered species in the U.S. this has stimulated increased cultivation.
Uses and Benefits:
Goldenseal is marketed as a tonic and natural antibiotic, and it is often combined with echinacea to help "strengthen the immune system." As a popular American folk medicine, goldenseal has been used as an antiseptic, astringent, or hemostatic to treat a wide variety of skin, eye, and mucous membrane inflammatory and infectious conditions. Thus, it has been employed as a mouthwash, for canker sores, and as a topical agent for dermatologic disorders. In tonic form, it has been ingested as a "bitter" to aid digestion and treat dyspepsia. Some herbalists also view goldenseal as a mucous membrane "alterative"-increasing and decreasing mucus secretion depending on the body's needs.
Goldenseal contains several active isoquinoline dlkaloids such as berberine (0.5-6%), hydrastine (1.5-4%), and canadine. Berberine provides the bitter taste and yellow color to the herb, and most of the scientific explanations for goldenseal's 115e have been attributed to the effects of berberine and related . Berberine is very poorly absorbed orally (probably . 1 %), although blood levels are measurable after large doses.
Extracts of the crude herb, and berberine in particular, have broad in vitro antimicrobial activity against grampositive and gramnegative bacteria, fungi, and protozoa and other parasites to Immunologic activity, such as enhanced macrophage, cytokintt , and antibody response, has been demonstrated in rodent and vitro studies. In contrast, anti-inflammatory and immunos pressive effects also have been demonstrated, High doses oral berberine reduced the colonic inflammation of drug-inducod colitis in rats. Berberine's use as an antidiarrheal agent may be partly explained by inhibition of ion transport secretory activity in intestinal epithelial cells.
Berberine and related alkaloids affect in vivo cardiovasculilf activity and cause contraction or relaxation of isolated smooll1 muscles; results vary depending on the alkaloid and the animnl model studied. In humans, very large intravenous doses 01 berberine (0.2 mg/kg/min for 30 min) to patients with severe conge.stive heart failure caused significant hemodynamic changes consistent with decreased vascular resistance and increased cardiac output, as well as ventricular tachycardia in some patients.
Clinical Trials:
There are no clinical trials in the medical or herbal literature using goldenseal or crude herbal extracts. The only clinical research has been with pure berberine, often isolated from other berberine-containing plants such as Berberis aristata. Berberine has been studied in countries such as India for acute diarrhea in children or adults, and for trachoma. It appears to have antimicrobial and clinical activity similar to other antibiotics in unblinded, controlled trials for diarrhea due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and giardia, with fewer benefits found for cholera. One randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found only minimal anti-secretory or antibacterial effects for cholera and noncholera diarrhea. Berberine oral doses usually ranged from 100 mg/day for children to 400 mg/day for adults. For trachoma, a 0.2% berberine eyedrop was found to be similar in efficacy to other standard ophthalmic antibiotics these old studies have not been replicated.
In the Russian literature, very small doses of berberine have been reported to be beneficial in the treatment of cholecystitis or hepatitis (10-60 mg/day), and for thrombocytopenia (15 mg/day). However, it is doubtful that enough berberine is absorbed at these doses to have a substantial systemic effect. In uncontrolled Chinese studies, large doses of oral berberine have been found beneficial in patients with severe CHF (1200 mg/day) and diabetes (900-1500 mg/day).
Adverse Effects:
The herb appears safe and well tolerated based on traditional and common usage; there are no well-documented adverse effects with usual doses. A number of serious reactions have been previously described (e.g., gastrointestinal, toxicity, nephritis, ulcerations, convulsions, fatalities from cardiovascular collapse), but these appear to be inappropriately extrapolated from reports of toxicologic studies of berberine administered to animals, or from 19th century literature on homeopathic "provings."
Side Effects and Interactions:
Goldenseal can inhibit the hepatic cytochrome P450-3A4 drug-metabolizing system in vitro, but this has not been verified in vivo or clinically.Goldenseal is erroneously belived by drug users to act as a natural substance to mask the detection of illegal drugs in urine tests, This myth was originally based on an antiquated chemical reaction described in a novel by the herbalist John Lloyd, published in 1900.
Berberine-containing plants have been used as ingredients in abortifacient products and should be avoided during pregnancy. Similarly, use has been associated with cases of kernicterus in the newborn and should be avoided during breastfeeding of the very young. Because goldenseal is at risk of becoming an endangered species, some herbalists advocate the use of alternative berberine-containing plants in its place (e.g., barberry, Oregon grape, Chinese and American goldthread).
Preparations & Doses:
The usual oral dose of goldenseal is about 250-500 mg of solid extracts, or 500-1000 mg of dried root and rhizome, usually given t.i.d. Various tinctures and fluid extracts are also available. To provide 400 mg of berberine (the adult dose used in many clinical studies), one would have to ingest roughly 20-30 capsules containing 500 mg of goldenseal, an unreasonably large amount.
Summary Evaluation
Clinical trials have not been performed with goldenseal, and there is no evidence that this herb is effective for any clinical indication. There appears to be no rationale for favoring its combination with echinacea. Although the isolated alkaloid berberine is pharmacologically active, the small amount contained in usual oral doses of goldenseal is unlikely to be absorbed to a sufficient degree to provide systemic effects. Herbal extracts do have antimicrobial and other pharmacologic activity; these properties may support some of the herb's traditional uses when applied topically to the skin or mucous membranes, or when used locally in the gastrointestinal tract. These indications, however, have yet to be clinically evaluated.
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